Example sentences of "[pers pn] can [vb infin] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 I can imagine what the real purpose of that coffee break was …
2 As Carmel finished the 3s , she came to me and whispered : ‘ I think I can see what the 5s are going to be before I do it ’ , and she explained her prediction .
3 I want to be out on a limb with my back to the water so that I can see what the rest of the world is doing .
4 Yes I think you can guess what the Harrogate Civic Society is
5 That 's to see if you can identify what the problems are with each of those three , and why they 're experiencing difficulties in their job .
6 but you can tell what the bar man was thinking
7 yes , then there 's the , yes , what that says , at the top , so you can announce what the aim of the campaign is .
8 Write in the box provided the response you would give to the statement , and see if you can decide what the differences are .
9 But if the document does n't exist , it does n't exist unless you can remember what the information was on that document but I would imagine .
10 if you can remember what the rule .
11 It 's got a very thick safety glass door on it so you can see what the little dears are doing but ca n't hear them . ’
12 You can see what the problem is ’ , G. says .
13 This was a solicitors pick it up and my Lord so you can , you can see what the dispute was .
14 I says that 's got ta be Warren , it could n't be anybody else , so when I come down I went off like , well I tell ya I ca n't do it , so I knew it was so I picked up the wrong she says oh I 'm just ringing because you can see what the weather is she says and you could n't go and do a day in erm , with your
15 Erm , now I will give you as much help as I can with that , but not the actual subject of it , erm , you can determine what the objective is yourselves .
16 ask it questions , it 's obviously on the telephone because you can ask what the balance is and it will tell you , and it ca n't possibly know that and Cleethorpes , when you put the card in the Cleethorpes thing , that , you know , your bank balance at Nottingham is so it 's obviously on the telephone erm and it 's on the telephone to a central computer which holds quite a lot of information , it accesses
17 As those were the best lines , you can imagine what the rest were like .
18 I mean , if you can imagine what the process of a dame in pantomime goes through to get all that gear on then that is the sort of thing you 've got to try and do in mime .
19 And it used to roar , you can imagine what the noise was like in the chapel .
20 If we can tell what the animals are about to do next , then surely so can their opponents .
21 So we can deduce what the field of vision of our globular-eyed trilobite was , by looking at the directions in which all the lenses face .
22 We can see what the testator had in mind .
23 we can have a look at the blood tests , we can see what the blood pressure is .
24 I would also like to suggest that complaints be made as ‘ Letters to the Editor ’ because then we can see what the complaint is and try to deal with it .
25 The excitement of a side from the Second Division being next in line to see if they can do what the likes of Leeds United and Marseille could not , and defeat Rangers in cup competition this season , was put to the back of the manager 's mind last night .
26 so they can appreciate what the situation is .
27 Now some doctors could conceivably still be frightened off , but we must presume , I think , that doctors are literate people , that they can understand what the law is if it is told to them , and the medical societies and other groups are making available to them the workings of this particular Act .
28 Most parents can identify the first phase of interaction with their child , that is they can see what the child is doing that is irritating and they see how they react , but rarely do they then follow through the interaction to see what happens at the end .
29 Some think that they can steal what the club makes , but it 's still thieving , even if it 's thieving from yourself .
30 He can do whatever the fuck he wants and no-one will do anything to prevent it . ’
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