Example sentences of "[pers pn] can [verb] [art] more " in BNC.

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1 I can do no more for his memory than to extend that same faith to his son . ’
2 I can do no more than endorse the statement made by the proposer and would just like to formally second the proposal resolution number two .
3 As this matter will be central to the proceedings in the House of Lords , the House will recognise that I can say no more about it .
4 I can see no more reason to doubt but that these causes in a thousand generations would produce a marked effect , and adapt the form of the fox to catching hares instead of rabbits , than that greyhounds can be improved by selection and careful breeding .
5 We can expect no more than that , and we can certainly ask for no less .
6 The evolution of mammals after the Cretaceous was both extremely rapid and very complex , and we can do no more than give the roughest sketch here .
7 Its universality as far as human life is concerned depends on when it actually happened , and we can do no more than guess at the date .
8 So I think we may have to take this as part of the council meeting when we get a report back , cos obviously , there 's a degree of urgency in whatever we do about this , but I can suggest that we can do no more than report back to the next council meeting that we 've discussed this , and that it is in solicitor 's hands .
9 I mean I 've had Fife College on the phone as well saying you know why ca n't we do it and Alec we 're really now we can do no more until Napier come up if for some reason Napier fell down on the job then I think I 've got enough knowledge about what we 're doing now but I would start running it round the other colleges including Telford who are doing a distance learning course
10 Though they were much used in Baroque times for aria accompaniment , they have largely fallen out of use , and as the chaconne construction is an art and study in itself we can make no more than a passing mention here .
11 As we go to press , Cheek by Jowl 's new production has not yet started rehearsals , so we can say no more than that the company tell us it will be in the ‘ uproarious tradition ’ of their previous Shakespeare comedies , and that 's good news .
12 This is opposed to simply ‘ stifling our emotions ’ until we can stifle no more and we blow our filter out and say things for which we are sorry .
13 You will realise that words of comfort like this can solve no problems for her ; they can do no more than bathe the wound she has sustained , but she will be badly in need of something to cling on to and because they are spoken by someone who loves her they may be exactly what she wants to hear when she is trying to reassemble herself and face the future .
14 However , they can do no more than recommend the best of the available options and even in expert hands the treatment of anorexia nervous must still be considered unsatisfactory .
15 But such theories are parasitic on an implicit understanding that law is a type of instrument adapted to specific important purposes , and such theories are of little guidance in thinking through the role of international law in controlling force for they can suggest no more than a mimicking of the institutions of municipal law without regard to the purposes of having such or similar institutions in the international context .
16 When you have read through a book of entertainment , you know it , and it can do no more for you ; but a book of science is inexhaustible . ’
17 He can do no more than to respect and serve them both.l
18 He can take no more pleasure from a second initiative that is making its rounds on the Hill .
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