Example sentences of "[pers pn] would get [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Do n't suppose I 'd get in the surgery tomorrow now .
2 Of course , she 'd get at the boy if she could .
3 I was afraid you 'd get to the slope too soon .
4 there 'd just these straight powers of X , and you could do that and you 'd get to the same answer as we get to it 's just that this is a quicker way of doing it .
5 Er and I remember , I remember Street West , when the right hand side of Street west going from Road , every house was empty before the First World War and they gave somebody er somebody who lives in the end one and they were rent free if they keep all the rest clean , and always you see house to let where wherever it was in every street there was houses to let , and the price of the house in Street must be about eight shillings a week in those days , and then if you went up to I mean you 'd get in the twelve and sixpenny bracket and down in , those houses down in the that they were ten and six or something like that er
6 He had never , before , seriously thought that she would get beyond the occasional sisterly peck on the cheek , or allowing him the privilege of listening to her troubles .
7 Only the senior librarian remained constant , Joyce Babcock , a contemporary of Helen 's , stuck as far as she would get on the ladder of professional advancement , suspicious of the girls but tolerant of Helen , who offered no threat .
8 She no longer woke up wondering why she was alive , wondering how she would get through the day .
9 She would get through the next few days of being in the same house as Piers and then she would leave , and she would somehow get through the rest of her life without him .
10 Mary Worty had a habit of getting drunk and then getting into fights and her face was criss-crossed with cuts and she would get in the window of her bedroom , start giving the history of people all the way down and then they 'd all get out in crowds .
11 The 42-year-old suspect , Adelheid Streidel , admitted trying to kill Lafontaine so that " she would get in the news " , according to the regional prosecutor .
12 Erm I would imagine Tukuse that the the difference that you put in difference that you would get between the reportage , to use a French expression , of Princess Diana 's abdication from public life was probably quite pronounced between say for example the Sun newspaper and the Independent newspaper I would imagine that the Independent newspaper probably did n't play in any great significance , it was probably on the front page , perhaps not with a picture but erm there was a couple of columns of report erm the Independent is famous as being the newspaper which when Prince Charles and Lady Diana got married many years ago , they reported it with a single paragraph saying Prince Charles and Diana , the whole world went made at the Royal Wedding and the Independent had one paragraph , which many people , including myself , said right on .
13 So by three , yes , there is some variation , but they are certainly there is less variation than you would get at the end of the secondary school or university .
14 So by three , yes , there is some variation , but they are certainly there is less variation than you would get at the end of the secondary school or university .
15 So if for any one of those parameters , let's just say B right , let's just say that 's the true distribution of the parameter B what you 'll you estimate O L S and you 'll get alright , you 'll get biased estimates , this is what you would get from the computer , alright so we 'd be biased cos the , the true value is over here but not only that , is that , instead of having a nice peak distribution , distribution would be quite flat , alright we 'd we would n't have the minimum variants property alright .
16 And then we 'd get onto the roof with the little tiny rivets , quarter inch rivets .
17 Besides , we had plans to make about how to spend the money we 'd get for the empties .
18 I , I , I mean I do think that w what we would have to do is , is if people started making inroads into two via this route , it might mean then we 'd get to the point where it was n't going to cost that much more to enable other scale one people
19 As soon as we 'd packed all the stuff in the ba van we 'd have the rest of the sandwiches the rest of the coffee or another cup of coffee and then we 'd get on the road and even if we 'd got back for four , by the time we 'd got home and , and had something to eat or if we did n't want nothing to eat , watched the telly for half an hour and get to bed , you 've got from eleven till sort of three or four the next day which is just nice because you 're in your own home
20 I think we should maybe ask the question why youngsters take drugs and , maybe we would get to the root of the problem .
21 But we wondered what we would get from the students at this later stage in their training year .
22 They 'd get off the bus from West London there because they were such big Faces fans and Malcolm 's shop was right next door to the home of the dandy fashion shop Granny Takes A Trip — a shop which had a Cadillac sticking out of its window — where The Faces and The Stones bought their clothes
23 They used to say , well I try and get my er my legs up for half an hour in the afternoon , but that 'd be about as much as th they 'd get in the way of rest .
24 They would get through the winter without any problem .
25 They would get on the phones again , selling a different stock .
26 He 'd get to the back door in time for his morning cup of tea and a warm by the kitchen range .
27 Each time he 'd get to the line about going to stoke the brazier it would come out as ‘ stoke the brassiere ’ , which of course stopped everything dead and brought the Director screaming down on us .
28 After we if he did n't enjoy it then he 'd get off the floor .
29 One day , he would get to the bottom of Maggie 's behaviour , although he knew he might have to get her drunk first and she was even wary of sipping wine .
30 As Sharapour fell back it seemed for a moment as if he would get in the way of Mill Reef on the rails , but Lewis was alert to the perils of getting boxed in up the short Longchamp straight and pulled Mill Reef out to begin his challenge .
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