Example sentences of "[pers pn] for the [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 If in future , however , reporting of each estimate is extended to include descriptive profiles of quality of life — that is , health states and the valuations placed on them for the new and comparison treatment — then this may enhance credibility and allow reworking in alternative settings .
2 And you shall not strip your vineyard bare , neither shall you gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard ; you shall leave them for the poor and for the sojourner : I am the Lord your God ’ ( Lev .
3 The Scottish Typographical Circular reported of this conflict that " people are beginning to see that making women printers … will only unfit them for the active and paramount duties of female society " .
4 I was not proposing to ask her about her relationship , or lack of it , with Edward VIII and Mrs Simpson , or to what degree she blamed them for the unexpected and , at the time , unwelcome change in her life .
5 I 'd like if I may , to take this opportunity of paying tribute to the er helpful , cooperative attitude that the auditing practices board displayed in what were often long and very complex discussions and to thank them for the clear and helpful statement with which they shortly er plan to issue er to er accompany these order and to bring them into practical effect .
6 Thank you for the informative and comprehensive article on the work of Familymakers ( ‘ Making families ’ , 25 March ) .
7 ‘ We really appreciate your responsibility and concern and would like to thank you for the clear and reasonable explanation given . ’
8 ‘ These are from the Northern and Southern Railway Company , ’ he said , ‘ to say thank you for the brave and sensible thing that you did to save the train . ’
9 No matter how worthwhile a project seems we attack it for the hidden and sinister purposes behind it .
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