Example sentences of "[pers pn] have for [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I thought about telling him the arrangement Laura and I had for that night , then decided against it .
2 The two Bangladeshi boys I had for remedial English all this year .
3 Furthermore , the best map I had for this region was twenty-two miles to an inch .
4 I had for some time been interested in the work of the 17th century Dutch and Spanish still-life school of painting .
5 My doctor had also prepared a report for the judge , about various medical problems which I hoped might be taken into consideration , along with the fact that I had for some time been re-building my life and now had very little to do with the lifestyle that brought me into contact with drugs .
6 I had for some reason gone up to M. Dupont 's room and was about to knock , but before doing so , as is my custom , I paused for a second to listen at the door .
7 ‘ If by the other , my lady , you refer to the regard the prince and I have for each other , pray be assured it is not pain I feel — but joy , deep joy .
8 I have for some time studied the prospects for the privatisation of British Rail .
9 I have for some reason a picture of a rather youthful military historian .
10 Finally I went to the Principal of the college , a sympathetic dame whose ear I have for any amount of services rendered , and told her I had decided that term must end slightly earlier for me than the others .
11 What cause can you have for such doubt ? ’
12 She was sitting back relaxedly and looking more contented than she had for some time .
13 Robyn , doing her best to ignore the almost overwhelming feeling of pure dislike which she had for this man , glanced at the ornate carriage clock beside the bed , registered the time slowly and looked aghast .
14 It was above all the place to which you were advised to go if you had for some reason been shot , in either war or peace .
15 The accounts that you have for this year , have been rearranged .
16 native girls and then Paddy goes to like what do yous have for like alcohol over here ?
17 We 're taking a hundred and fifty odd thousand out from a budget we have for additional staffing , and we 're also taking
18 The skills of salesmanship and political demagogy are virtually the only methods we have for changing perception .
19 Five months later I have at last gained my confidence on Southall ; most of it is the trust and respect we have for each other .
20 To win one of the 10 pairs of tickets we have for each show , simply complete this Shamen hit : Move Any … …
21 ‘ Well , anyhow , ’ she went on , as she fumbled for the matches and lit the gas lights , ‘ we 'll have Christmas together in peace , and — and in case it 's the last we have for some time , we 'll make it as nice as possible .
22 Erm , I work for Scottish Women 's Football and the plans we have for this year erm , shall hopefully encourage more women to come into the sport .
23 Yeah erm the amount of police necessary for each area is based on all sorts of statistics , and for the statis statistics that we have for this area , we have or the chief constable 's decided that he 'll allocate a hundred and two police officers to police this area , which we find adequate .
24 The basic figures we have for this emigration — 100,000 prisoners of war brought from Palestine into Egypt by Ptolemy I ( Aristeas 12–14 ) and 1,000,000 Jews in Egypt at the time of Philo ( in Flacc. 43 ) — are almost certainly both false .
25 Even that did n't alter the respect they had for each other .
26 How little reason they had for this view we shall soon discover .
27 We will increase the time they have for each patient by reversing the financial pressures to take on too many patients .
28 Former Tory Cabinet Minister , leading constitutional expert and friend of the Royal family Lord St John of Fawsley said last night the announcement ‘ must mean a change in the role of the Monarchy because they have for this century , and indeed the whole of the last one , been held up as an example of model family rectitude .
29 ‘ It is clear that when the section 8(6) procedure comes into operation it is for the police officer to make the decision whether the sample to be provided shall be a sample of blood or urine , but the police officer must convey to the defendant that the sample to be required may be of either blood or urine and must give the defendant an opportunity to consider which sample he would prefer to give if the choice were his and any reasons he has for that preference .
30 Brian Richards , vice president of UK preclinical R & D at Searle , which recently spent £15 million designing and building a genetic engineering pilot plant in High Wycombe , near London , argues that ‘ good manufacturing practice ’ may suffice for biotechnology factories — as it has for other fermentation industries such as the antibiotic industry .
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