Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [been] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 ‘ If I had been involved in petty larceny I certainly would n't still be here arguing the point after your abuse ! ’
32 I had been involved in another timeslip , and this was a day in late August .
33 I had been right about one thing — an enormous procession of funeral guests was making its steady way into the riverside church .
34 When the tent was up , I had to prove that I had been right about the proximity of a village .
35 So I had been right about that .
36 I decided this would be a good experimental site on which to try my new detector , and for the first hour of detecting felt that I had been right in my assumption that I had really cleaned this place out .
37 I had been married for seven hours .
38 It was after I had been deep in thought for a long time , stooped forward , that I looked up and saw Adrar , like the celestial city , its towers and palms floating on the mirage of a lake .
39 I had been upset by the news about George .
40 There I had been present at the celebrations marking the Golden Jubilee of St Joseph 's College , Sasse , ( pronounced Sassay ) , where I used to teach .
41 Alfonso was rumoured to have said , ‘ If I had been present at the Creation , I would have given some useful hints for the better arrangement of the Universe . ’
42 The world of secondary schools was one from which I had been absent for eight years and it had in the mean time greatly expanded , so that the new secondary modern schools now occupied most — although not necessarily the most strategically important — territory .
43 The shots were going to look terrific , but this was ridiculous — the very thing I had been cynical about and did not wish to do I was doing ; carrying a bike both up and down a mountain .
44 I had been successful as a boxer at Eton and in my first term at Oxford I was selected to box against the Army .
45 I had been poorly for a while and could n't eat and the doctor thought it may be appendicitis so he sent me to Darlington Hospital .
46 As I enjoyed the stew I looked at my watch , it was just after mid-day ; I had been asleep for nearly four hours .
47 Among those to whom I sent a copy of the book on publication was Quintin Hailsham , then Lord Chancellor , with whom , despite our differences of opinion on many matters , I had been friendly over the years .
48 I assured him truthfully that I had been impressed by his skill and speed , and I thought his results marvellous .
49 I had known Katharine for many years , and , in common with other members of the Kingman Committee , I had been impressed by her presentation when she appeared before us to answer questions .
50 I had been thrilled by Rider Haggard 's stories about the Zulus , especially Nada the Lily in which Mbopo , the blind witchdoctor , tells of the rise and death of Chaka whom he helped to murder .
51 Since becoming Deputy Chief in 1967 I had been concerned with requests , mostly from foreign governments , to provide instruction in the practice of aircraft accident investigation .
52 So I said that I had been lucky in a draw for leave , and that now Montague was dead I was to rejoin my original battalion .
53 I had been aware on visits of the changes she had brought into the house , in the food which was more elaborate , recipes culled from women 's magazines , the odd touches about the place , the fact that the bowl full of bulbs was placed on a mat , there were extra arm covers on the chairs , a lace cloth on the chest of drawers in my room , everything had to be protected .
54 Mary , who now combines her psychology practice with astrological counselling , said : ‘ As a psychologist , for a long time I had been aware of a lack , that this science did not give the whole of the picture .
55 For seven or eight years I had been aware of a growing numbness , first in the muscles of my right leg and later in those of my left , for which no doctor or specialist could find any adequate explanation .
56 In hindsight , if I had been aware of the exact nature of the Foreign Legion , how it operated , and how its members lived , I would have been much more hesitant about joining .
57 Before I began the formal research I had been aware from the few parents of children with trisomy 21 I knew that there was more disquiet about their negotiations with professionals and the treatment of their children than had made its way into the academic and professional literature on parents and families .
58 I had been afraid of her at Oxford where she had been a quick , intense , thundery girl who rarely bothered to talk to other women .
59 That was what I had been afraid of .
60 I came to believe that I had been responsible for those terrible things , that I was to blame , that I must be very bad .
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