Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [det] than [art] " in BNC.

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1 I had more than a casual interest in politics .
2 Actually , I had more than a hand in it ; I designed all of Crate 's new tube line , even though it does n't have my name on it .
3 I had fewer than a hundred rounds for the gun which I kept solely as a deterrent for those remote places where cruising yachtsmen are seen as plump victims , ripe for pillaging , and the Webley offered me good protection for , though the gun was over seventy years old , it was massively built and frighteningly powerful .
4 The girl comes to see that she has less than the boy , and has been castrated already .
5 So if you 've more than a mite of sense you 'll point your base somewheres else .
6 Now , after some shrewd scavving and a touch of inventive accountancy , she had more than the price of the pudding .
7 There 'd been a lot of changes under the malais , I 'll give them that , even if most of the development was for reasons of military necessity and accomplished , like the Japanese for whom they had more than a sneaking admiration , with forced-draft labour .
8 ‘ So he wandered the countryside for a long time , starving and having to beg for food , and sleeping in barns and under trees , and eventually he found a little town where all the beggars and old people he 'd had thrown out of the city had gone ; they were very poor , of course , but by all helping each other they had more than the merchant had .
9 Thus , it is clear that the system is not going to get easier for advisers , and it is going to be increasingly important for them to have more than a passing understanding and experience of it .
10 A third party may assert that it has more than a mere interest in a certain subject , since it has a legal right81 in the subject matter of the dispute , or a right granted under a treaty between the parties .
11 He had less than a tenth of the jigsaw puzzle pieces , but even the fragments of a picture he was able to put together made him ache for Anne .
12 He had more than an hour to fill in before the meal : he had a maid bring him beer .
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