Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [prep] [noun sg] been " in BNC.

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1 She had in fact been referred to privately as ‘ The Mother of Us All ’ for some time .
2 The news that she had in fact been successful in her interview went a very long way to ease her bruised feelings — so much so that when the day dawned when she was to start her new job she almost forgot to pull her hair back into a screwed-up knot , and to don her glasses .
3 And we have in fact been able to demonstrate already that this is so .
4 They had in fact been most positive and open , entering fully into the new church life with none leaving ‘ in a huff ’ .
5 On 29 May anti-aircraft gunners submitted claims for a Ju88 probably destroyed , but it seems likely that they had in fact been firing at one of the Italian Fiats .
6 They had in fact been preparing to leave when Ramsay and the others arrived .
7 They had in fact been reported missing as early as 1952 , well before Lydie Huyghe took over and to everyone 's embarrassment were found in a cupboard in a corridor during the latest inventory .
8 The Soviet authorities had no reason to take any interest in the fate of a handful of foreign invaders when over twenty million of their own people had been killed , while as for the Italians , it had suddenly become clear that they had in fact been anti-Fascists to a man all along and could hardly be expected to sympathize with the relatives of those few fanatics who had been rash enough to fight for the despised Duce .
9 However , the COB Rules that are applied to these group activities will only apply if they would have been regulated business ( and so within the territorial scope of the SFA rules ) if they had in fact been investment business .
10 They have in part been able to make flexibility work for labour .
11 Unrealised by himself , he has in fact been striving to do this since the dawn of civilisation .
12 Although the furore about asylum has been more recent in Great Britain than elsewhere in Europe , it has on occasion been as fierce , particularly as orchestrated by parts of the right-wing tabloid press .
13 Despite boasts months ago , it has of course been unable to get volumes at 200MHz and probably wo n't until third quarter 1993 .
14 It has of course been said that it is possible to practice veterinary medicine and that many doctors do not communicate in any language but it has to be said that there is room for improvement .
15 It was felt at the time that the upward movement was out of line with the underlying trend and the latest figures analysed by Reward suggest it has in fact been short-lived .
16 The only way I can think of , or I think as far as anyone else can think of , deciding whether it has in fact been important in speciation , is to look for pairs of closely related species which differ in some striking morphological trait , but are still sufficiently similar genetically for you to be able to carry out a genetic analysis , i.e. to cross them , to get offspring , to get F two 's and it 's then possible , it 's obviously not — I 'm not going to explain the details of the technique to you now — but it 's possible to work out whether the difference is due largely , or in part , to some single large gene , or whether it 's on the whole due to quite a lot of small ones .
17 So it 's actually quite short , and you can see here that it has in fact been shortened , and also you can see the terrible stitching with which it was done .
18 It had without doubt been a day to remember and now whenever I look at my LNWR Boilerhouse Private plate , I think of poor unfortunate Fred Grisenthwaite and his tragic demise , and then recall the Railway Hotel bar room and the kind friends I met that night .
19 In each case it had in effect been ruled that Gen Robertson 's order of 14 May would apply , and that 5 Corps could continue with arrangements already entered into hand over both Cossacks and Yugoslavs but only in each case , so lob as force did not have to be used .
20 The house was destroyed in World War II , and the Roselli assumed lost , though it had in fact been transferred to Switzerland .
21 Decio where the courts ruled that a corporation could not recover unless it first proved that it had in fact been injured by the insider 's illicit trading .
22 It had in fact been an early aim of Barthes 's to make structuralist discourse ‘ homogeneous with its object ’ ( literature ) .
23 Or he could jettison the myth and run in the second ballot as the leader of the majority , which was what he had in effect been since October 1962 .
24 I should have realized that Clive would dump me at the first opportunity , that he had in fact been looking for an excuse to do so .
25 Although his constitution was essentially a durable one ( he was " tough " , his sister , Ada , had said ) , from the earliest days of his marriage he had in fact been prey to various kinds of viral infection .
26 Charles had been particularly annoyed about the toothlessness , she could tell , although he tried to conceal it : he had in fact been without his two front teeth that week , while having their thirty-year-old caps replaced , caps that marked a heroic accident long ago in a swimming pool in Sevenoaks .
27 He had in fact been told his days in the sport were over .
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