Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [be] [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 Lucille Walker had n't brought me clear over to Hollywood just to tell me I 'd been played for a sucker .
2 ‘ You sound as if I 'd been gone for a few hours and forgot to leave you a note . ’
3 All I wanted was to be left alone to get on with the job I 'd been trained for and loved .
4 I had been asked for a full text of the sermon , to be printed in the society minutes and had gone to some trouble to prepare for the occasion .
5 It could have been different if I had been accepted for the Forces , but this way I mean to make Marion my wife and I hope … well … well ’ — he jerked his head upwards — ‘ I may as well say it , that if I have a son , or for second best , a daughter , to carry on here .
6 It was the story of a lifetime , the story I had been born for .
7 And it brought home to me with a rush something which had been slowly dawning on me ever since I joined the Air Force ; that I had been spoiled for quite a long time now .
8 ‘ After I had been criticised for employing ‘ Lady Merchiston ’ and ‘ your ladyship ’ , I finally found that compromise which she accepted .
9 I even told them I had been recommended for a commission .
10 It was good to be able to demonstrate that I did know something about handling animals even though I had been qualified for only a few months .
11 ‘ When I heard I had been chosen for the full squad , it was a bit of a shock , but it really was a dream come true . ’
12 I must say , something about this small encounter had put me in very good spirits ; the simple kindness I had been thanked for , and the simple kindness I had been offered in return , caused me somehow to feel exceedingly uplifted about the whole enterprise facing me over these coming days .
13 In what remains one of the most touching and compassionate statements of his flamboyant career , The Doc told waiting newsmen ‘ I 've been punished for falling in love .
14 And you say oh , about ninety eight , that 's why I 've been seen for , and you say come with me .
15 In seven years driving a cab this is the first time I 've been done for anything .
16 Get a bit of sympathy cos I 've been asked for eight by you .
17 I did mention that er I 'm a retired tax inspector and I 'm very long retired , I 've been retired for thirteen years , thoroughly enjoying it , hope you too but your first questions w must be what the devil am I doing thirteen years retired tax inspector talking to you on a technical subject , why on earth ca n't you get the real thing ?
18 I would think that 30 to 40 per cent of my time is spent on what I 've been trained for .
19 ‘ This is the life I 've been trained for and I want to carry on for as long as possible .
20 I 'VE BEEN ACCEPTED FOR London Marathon … ( other events )
21 I 'VE BEEN ACCEPTED FOR London Marathon … ( other events )
22 I 've been hired for some zany roles in this metropolis , and a few of them leaned towards the crooked .
23 and they can put that on the recorder but I 've been told for the last two and a half years by this government that I am not unemployed .
24 Siegfried , I do n't know what you 'll think , but I 've been recommended for the MC — and I 've recommended every single NCO who was with me .
25 I think I can say that during my career most of the things I 've decided ought to be done , I 've got done , but I 've done them in very different ways to other people and sometimes I 've been criticised for not going out and grabbing the headlines .
26 Michael Herr says , ‘ I had an absolute raving love affair with the war , but my other love affair was with America , not with Indo-China ; it was with American energy , which I 've been criticised for , but that 's how it happened ’ .
27 I 've been excused for the moment .
28 ‘ It will be the third time I 've been measured for a blazer — but I missed out on the last two ( matches ) , ’ Lane added .
29 ‘ I feel I 've been taken for a fool . ’
30 Look at the times I 've been refused for the forces .
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