Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [verb] for years " in BNC.

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1 It was the first airedale I 'd seen for years , maybe the first since the two that shadowed my childhood .
2 I was standing in the back of a small boat , drifting down some English river I 've never seen — the kind with dappled , overhang-ing leaves reflected in the water — grasping a punt-pole in my hands and propelling the flat boat like it was something I 'd done for years .
3 I took stock of my fur-lined leather jacket which I had prized for years , and I did n't see any problem .
4 Later I had the honour and privilege of meeting Odette Churchill , the heroine of the French Resistance , someone I had admired for years , ever since reading about her exploits when she received her medal after the war .
5 Ted Power , a fine collector , whom I had known for years and who had seen odd paintings in mixed shows wanted to buy something .
6 on long , summer evenings ) and quite another to go up to a girl , even one I had known for years and actually do such a thing .
7 And I 've payed for years and years for myself and four other people besides !
8 I 've said for years that you stop teams infringing by upgrading the penalty to , say , five points , and not be upgrading the try .
9 I 've understood for years . ’
10 ‘ When I was going fast , I pictured something that I 've pictured for years and yet never noticed .
11 If you are like me , and feel hopelessly inadequate having toiled to the top of your favourite peak in what seemed to be ‘ the worst weather I 've seen for years , ’ only to come across a party equipped with jeans , trainers , and Tescos bags , then the Mourne Mountains are for you .
12 Third ( to Piers ) , I think you 're the smuggest young layabout I 've met for years and you ( me ) are these your friends ?
13 My position on the whole thing started to wobble last year when I had some reflexology ( a foot massage ) which made me more relaxed than I 've felt for years .
14 I pile the CDs on top of the tapes which balance on my redundant vinyl collection that 's heaped on top of the ancient 78s I 've had for years . ’
15 All I have to wear are the same old rags I 've had for years .
16 But that 's , that 's something I 've had for years , but my arms and shoulders
17 Some of them are sons of friends I 've known for years .
18 People I 've known for years .
19 I 've known for years that I 'm as good a guest at a dinner party as I am a lousy host .
20 And that includes the London School of Economics , where I 've lectured for years . ’
21 A judge 's verdict of one plot was ‘ by far the best allotment I have seen for years . ’
22 I made his socks on my Singer KE2400 single bed machine which I have had for years .
23 The said partnership is for economic strategy planning and they have current consultancy projects in what was the USSR , and the one of the three I have known for years , as he shared a Lothian Regional council office with our former upstairs neighbour , lovely now in lake district is off to Moscow next Monday and then to another city ( ? sp ) six thousand miles east of Moscow !
24 The homoeopathic physician can on the other hand give the appropriate remedies for grief or fright , or whatever else it may have been , and experience the satisfaction of being told that the patient now feels better than she has done for years .
25 Stylist Patrick recommended a softer shape for Betty , instead of the severe brushed-back style she 'd worn for years , as well as a complete reconditioning of the ends .
26 Surely there was no harm in this , just sitting here in her car with David Markham , a man whom after all , she 'd known for years .
27 I I 've been coming here for forty years so far and and provocative statement I think in your programme this Autumn is the best that you 've had for years it 's a very good combination of classical and and modern plays and I really congratulate you on this programme and I would like to see that standard maintained .
28 On this first video , Mr Colbeck guides you gently through the workings of an array of popular home studio gear ( including the Fostex X28 four-track cassette recorder and the Alesis Quadraverb ) with the friendly manner of a family doctor you 've known for years .
29 You 've known for years he was devious , and he 'd never actually fallen over himself to be nice to you , had he ?
30 One of the best things about doing a talk show is that you get the chance to meet people you 've admired for years .
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