Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [verb] him that " in BNC.

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1 He 's er he 's saying that er the shifting of the ground 's political but I 'd to remember him that er , th it 's the council that 's doing their job , he 's not doing his job .
2 Two out of the three instances ( " I don " t believe any of that … " ( p. 71 ) and " How could I have told him that ?
3 I 've shown him these I 've show him that thing where
4 And I 've given him that .
5 I 've told him that 's
6 How could she have called him that ?
7 ‘ My love , my love , ’ and was flooded by the days she had called him that .
8 From some hidden vantage-point she had watched him that morning , while he rode away with the image of her in his mind and his —
9 ‘ I have a little headache , ’ she admitted , and that was the third lie she had told him that night .
10 He was sharp , she had to hand him that — too sharp , in her estimation !
11 That was week before wi er , that was we paid him last that that you 've got written down there we 've paid him that .
12 Well he thought your dad was buying that mould from Jim so he did say that , he , he 'd lent him that book on how to actually build them , but that 's
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