Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [verb] at first " in BNC.

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1 I have seen at first hand her effect on people young and old .
2 She 'd decided at first that her brother deserved what was coming to him , but on reflection no one deserved to be thrown at Guido 's mercy .
3 When you 've lived around men like that for as long as I have , when you 've seen at first hand what they 're capable of , then you can come here and tell me how to handle my affairs .
4 Mrs Bottomley said that in her South-West Surrey constituency she had heard at first hand many stories of personal anguish , crisis and despair in the last hard year .
5 Let's go and see it , he had said , and she had recoiled at first .
6 Clare remembered how she had seemed at first to be constrained in all her movements and jerky , almost as if her stammer manifested itself through her body as well .
7 He was altogether too handsome , she had thought at first .
8 rate you have to add at first , you can drink it while it 's fermenting , it 's quite a refreshing drink a bit tart to my taste but when it ferments out it becomes er a liquor called Arak which is their version of .
9 In a letter of 1867 to a friend on the death of the latter 's brother he writes : " You have experienced at first hand … why our Schopenhauer exalts suffering and sorrow as a glorious fate , as the deuteros pious [ second way ] to the negation of the will … ,
10 He quickly realised that , tactically , the situation at Verdun was not quite as desperate as it had seemed at first sight .
11 The Frenchman 's dark aquiline features and unsmiling silences made him think of history-book pictures he 'd seen of the warrior heroes of ancient Greece and Rome , and the dismay he had felt at first when their car had struck the Annamese villager had increased his sense of awe .
12 True , he had struggled at first to satisfy his beautiful young bride ; he had been too long a bachelor and too set in his ways .
13 Shelby did n't like Ferrari ; like plenty of others before and after , he had experienced at first hand Enzo Ferrari 's withering contempt for lesser mortals .
14 But what he had taken at first for raindrops on the wagon floor were actually pennies , halfpennies and farthings scattered everywhere .
15 Or so he had thought at first , hearing her voice , looking round the well-furnished rooms , the shelves full of old china figures , in her polished house .
16 It had n't been much of a job after all ; he had thought at first from the sound of it that it might mean travel , but it did n't .
17 He had thought at first that the man was lost and required instructions , but realised after the words had blown away that it was a quiet inquiry for cash .
18 Though he was a college Conservative of a patriotic and nationalist kind , he had shown at first no sign of the bitter and obsessive anti-Semitism that became the hallmark of his speaking and writing .
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