Example sentences of "[pers pn] and [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 How different they were ( we who worked in primary schools thought ) from the secondary schools described in the Newsom Report of 1963 in which ‘ children sat through lessons with information and exhortation washing over them and leaving little deposit ’ .
2 ‘ However , these animals are here and we must look after them and make full use of them to bring the attention of people in Northern Ireland to the plight of thousands of other , much less fortunate , chimpanzees . ’
3 They remained , therefore , on the outskirts of the town , until , terrified of being crushed by the mob , they decided to seek refuge in the open fields , but they had hardly agreed on this when fresh ash clouds , denser than ever , overwhelmed them and brought total darkness .
4 This brings in the other theme of how money can corrupt which is obviously shown by the ways in which Pip 's attitude changes towards those around him by becoming condescending towards them and showing little respect and compassion .
5 An officer on foot will often spend a whole shift without doing any police work , and without talking to anyone except to greet them and provide simple information
6 The good adviser will value schools ' own programmes , and be willing to participate in them and provide additional help , but he will also try to stimulate other opportunities of cooperation between schools , wide-ranging discussion in courses and occasional meetings , and curriculum development planning meetings at teachers ' centres and colleges and departments of education .
7 One girl told me that though she had never taken them herself , her friend had tried them and turned bright orange .
8 Complicated tasks face social service departments in trying to meet the claims for service made on them and to offer constructive assistance within statutory responsibilities and resource constraints .
9 The progress during the first year of recovery will vary from one person to another but for most people this first year in any Fellowship is spent mainly in compliance : doing what is suggested by people more experienced in the Anonymous Fellowships , attending meetings , contributing to them and giving practical service in them , progressively working the 12 Steps with the guidance of a sponsor and generally learning to use the various suggested techniques of staying away from one 's primary addictive substance or behaviour and learning to deal with stressful situations in a more appropriate manner than previously .
10 As Shneidman makes it clear : ‘ While different components of the educational process aim at the development of different qualities and values , it is impossible to draw a clear distinction between them and to separate physical education from other segments of communist upbringing ’ ( 1979 , p.6 ) .
11 Stake out plenty of territory , always a high-status activity , by spreading your papers in front of you and using expansive body language ( especially if you are physically small , or female ) .
12 Hopefully they trust you and get individual attention from you , even though you also deal with other residents as well .
13 You are what your life has made you and to regret past experience would be to regret one 's whole life .
14 Let me feed you and provide soothing balm for the lady 's wound .
15 The union will fight your case through the courts if someone tries to rip you off , it will check over contracts for you and offer cheap instrument insurance ( see the Musicians ' Union article for details ) .
16 Always short of money , Pound in the twenties found one outlet after another closed to him and had great difficulty making ends meet .
17 The question is : who is the visionary waiting to succeed him and breathe new life into South African rugby ?
18 It occurred to me that its republication in our Symposium might both appeal to him and attract public attention : for I considered it an authoritative statement of the value of Humanism ( the title was a little misleading ) in its relation to religion .
19 they all sit there looking at her and saying bloody hell she ai n't got her own hat on , we 've been here quarter of an hour and she walks in the door , takes her coat off and says come on ladies you 're suppose to be off your hind by two o'clock , leaving here at two
20 The courage to leave her and beg public forgiveness for his desertion of his cause and his friends .
21 And here was the bonus : the positive charge of the proton is so effectively shielded that it will now be able to encroach much closer to the nucleus of a neighbouring atom without being repelled ; the chance of bumping into it and undergoing nuclear fusion , ‘ cold fusion ’ , thereby became a real possibility .
22 But , if an error of judgement or a bad decision has been made , the vital thing is to recognise that , admit it and take immediate action to break the chain of events while a safe course of action is still possible .
23 Keep the sail still , balance using hips and knees When the sail is sheeted or moved to retain balance , it spoils the airflow around it and wastes valuable power .
24 Asked why she thought Melmotte had spent such a lot of money , Lady Carbery said , ‘ because he thought he could conquer the world by it and obtain universal credit . ’
25 The Hilary of once upon a time would have done it and taken great pleasure in confronting him , but the Hilary of now seemed to have become a spineless coward .
26 It is in no sense a rival body to the National Institute for the Deaf but works in active co-operation with it and has direct representation there on .
27 If you 're at all concerned about the quality of drinking water abroad , the best advice is to avoid it and drink bottled water instead .
28 Alexandra Palace and Park , the latest company willing to take up the baton , has been administering a relaunch for the premises through the offices of Bizat , a genial exhibitions and catering specialist , who had been at the place only 11 weeks , in 1980 , when afire near the great organ gutted much of it and necessitated major reconstruction .
29 The mania for forming industry consortia is getting so out of hand that a group of leading manufacturers , software developers and vendors are coming together to make some sense of it and eliminate duplicated effort by creating a single consortium to which everyone will be invited to belong : there is no confirmation of suggestions that the idea was the first initiative from new IBM Corp chief Louis Gerstner , who accedes to the top job today , but we hear that the army of companies is still bogged down arguing about what to call the thing — the best they 've dreamed up so far is the Consortium for Object-oriented Methods and Programming for the Unix Terminal and Enterprise-wide Recasting of Interactive Networked Database Undertakings with Software Transitioning and Revision for Y'all , but they ca n't find a snappy acronym to fit the words .
30 The item must be of sufficient quality to be displayed in a public collection whether national , local authority or university , and the owner has to agree to keep the object in the UK , preserve it and allow reasonable public access to it .
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