Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [adj] at that " in BNC.

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1 I 'm good at that .
2 Yes , I 'm good at that
3 I 'm surprised at that Rog cos we 've
4 I 'm I 'm surprised at that hang on er we 've got Mark on yellow what number is yellow twenty two .
5 I 'm surprised at that
6 I remember , again a few years ago , visiting India and buying one or two beautifully carved tables , which had obviously been carved by an individual spending quite a lot of time doing it , and I was impressed at that stage , rather naively perhaps , that if in fact I 'd bought a plain table , an uncarved one , it would have cost me about ten times as much , for the simple reason that that would require a milling machine which was not normally available , and such was the erm economy that it was cheaper for people to do this .
7 I was clever at that .
8 I was good at that at school . "
9 But I could set up this magazine , I was good at that sort of thing .
10 I told her that I was surprised at that because my Mum had said the same and I had n't believed her .
11 And er I was unmarried at that time and erm I , for a number of , well till nineteen forty was the end of nineteen forty I think , I joined up and went into the , the R A O C as it was then , it became the the side that I was in of course .
12 Not every decision can be pre-planned to the last detail — we know you are good at that .
13 You 're good at that , ’ said Robert , but he did n't sound , as I thought he might have done , condemnatory .
14 ‘ Yes , yes , you 're good at that sort of thing , ’ said Dorcas .
15 Leave a note by his bedside ; you 're good at that . ’
16 you 're good at that you can get marks in lots of subjects
17 And you 're good at that .
18 We know from the appearances that you were present at that enquiry .
19 Lines angles and intersections , you were good at that , you were using your compass and doing things okay , and geometry of the circle , I , as I say tend tend to leave that with all the
20 Telling him you were pregnant at that point in time was the height of selfishness , ’ he went on .
21 We do n't get the impression erm of whether you were airborne at that stage .
22 She 's good at that too , an accomplished sleeper , with childish face .
23 ‘ And she 's good at that , is she ? ’
24 she 's good at that .
25 I was quite open to her presence and accepted her as part of the household and she charmed me very nicely — she was good at that .
26 This was a prize for the student who was best at English writing , and Anne knew she was good at that .
27 She was right at that .
28 Now , that in a sense , would have fitted much much better into the Playhouse , and had we been open at that stage , there 's a jolly good chance that that show would have actually come to us rather than going there .
29 We start a big publicity campaign ( we 're good at that ) , and now we 're raking it in ! ’
30 Oil and gas will provide our energy : they are good at that .
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