Example sentences of "[pers pn] be [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 Standard curriculum and the syllabuses which stem from them are approved by the Ministry of Education .
2 Any amino acids in the nectar are probably of little importance and nectars high in them are avoided by the birds .
3 I do not answer , nor do I open my eyes , but I am stirred by the relentless bleep and static of the answerphone ; words , artificial like a megaphone , filtering through .
4 I am struck by the image of ‘ fire ’ in ‘ Paterson . ’
5 Since I started as an engineer , and have ended as a biologist , I am struck by the similarities between the two ways of thinking , although there is the difference that an engineer starts with a function to be performed , and designs a structure to perform it , whereas a biologist often starts with a structure , and has to work out the function it is performing .
6 I am struck by the pervasiveness of assumptions of genre in writing and thinking about television , and by the simultaneous difficulty of identifying where the theoretical groundings of these assumptions lie .
7 Having inspected hundreds of buildings of every conceivable age and style , from ancient castle to modern semi , and having supervised the construction , maintenance and preservation of hundreds more , from hi-tech laboratories to family homes , I am struck by the huge difference between the well designed and built , and the badly designed and built , the latter being at the heart of most of the horror stories .
8 During that time he sought inspiration and enrichment of the texture of the story in the surrounding countryside , in the paintings of Turner ( ‘ What he paints chiefly is light as modified by objects ’ ) and Romney ( ‘ I am struck by the red glow of [ his ] backgrounds , and his red flesh shades ’ ) , in the faces of women he met at dinner parties or saw by chance in a passing omnibus .
9 I am struck by the immense change from social barbarism to social civilisation which has taken place in London ( indeed in Great Britain ) during my lifetime .
10 Looking back over this chapter I am struck by the dreadful pitfalls which seem to beset every step which the sociologist might contemplate taking in documentary research .
11 I am struck by the paucity of hon. Members in the Chamber .
12 I am honoured by the prince 's interest — but I doubt not it stems from mere curiosity as to my connection with her for whom he has a brotherly fondness . ’
13 It is not called burning bush for nothing : I am tempted by the reputation its seed pods have for giving off a halo of oil vapour on still summer 's evenings .
14 SIR — I am desired by the management of the Northampton Town Football Club to convey their sincere thanks to the supporters present at the County Ground on Saturday last for the exemplary patience shown awaiting the arrival of the Coventry team .
15 I am fascinated by the roads and tracks and the steeplechase phases in Three Day Events .
16 I am fascinated by the sculptural elements in nature .
17 I am fascinated by the use of the English language , I do not wish to undermine it , but , as I would argue , it does overtly undermine 50 percent of its users ( i.e. women ) .
18 I am fascinated by the difference in the markings on ( some ) of these aircraft .
19 I am fascinated by the idea of focus .
20 Professor Camm , I am fascinated by the data on the prediction of arrhythmic deaths .
21 It may not be strictly within my remit , but I am fascinated by the amount of space that is being lavished , particularly by the Sunday Times , on the new list of ‘ The Best of Young British Novelists ’ .
22 I am troubled by the rush of young researchers attempting to prove that females are not inferior to males in such-and-such an ability or such-and-such a trait , especially when it is by no means clear what difference it makes .
23 I am troubled by the thought that this familiar world into which I am able to slip without a moment 's readjustment , is a vanishing world .
24 Glancing towards the car park , I am transfixed by the sight of a man in a flat cap cleaning our car .
25 When I try to use the shared bathroom I am met by the teenage mother — the one with two kids .
26 But I am plagued by the thought that we have arrived at a moment in history when this is about to be swept away .
27 I am blinded by The SUN .
28 When I say , ‘ Now I see it as a duck ’ , am I saying that I have a certain Lockean visual sensation — that is , that the figure appears to me , in a non-concept-dependent sense of ‘ appears ’ , in a certain way — which I have found I always have when I am led by the accompanying text to apply the figure in a certain way ?
29 Be strong-I will achieve all these things in a day even if I am exhausted by the end of it .
30 Sometimes at work I feel I have had enough and I am overwhelmed by the material so that I thirst for meditation which can be a rededication and a balancing of our lives .
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