Example sentences of "[pers pn] as [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I wonder if this fundamentally unimportant fact will linger as long in any mention of her as did the pillorying of Anthony Burgess as ‘ The Man Who Reviewed His Own Book ’ some 30 years ago .
2 He threw himself almost sideways through the gap , rolling across the ground as much to put out the fire that was burning him as to lessen the momentum of the fall .
3 Asked why Hulme , with an open goal before him , did not move up further to be certain of his target before shooting , he answered that the man on the field did not have as clear a view of the situation around him as did the spectator and was not always aware of how much time he had for his moves .
4 ‘ That were Bill Oldenshaw , him as has the farm over by Stones Place .
5 Instead we can see it as completing the specification of which operation is to be performed .
6 Grammar , perfectly understood , enables us , not only to express our meaning fully and clearly , but so to express it as to defy the ingenuity of man to give to our words any other meaning than that which we ourselves intend them to express .
7 Ministers hailed it as pointing the way forward .
8 The person giving it may not realise the full legal consequences of it as regards the release of a co-debtor ; but that is not , in my opinion , a sufficient ground for reading into the document something that is not expressed in it ; and unless you find in it something qualifying the general words , it appears to me that the legal consequences of the general words of discharge must follow , notwithstanding that those consequences may go beyond what the person giving the document would have intended if they had been pointed out to him at the time , and he had had an opportunity of addressing his mind to them .
9 We can continue to represent the normal case , which corresponds to Bolinger 's referent-qualification , by either of the types of formulae : ( 6 ) Although it is relatively easy to describe verbally the second version where the adjective qualifies the property of the noun but does not in itself qualify the entity of the noun phrase , it is not so easy to suggest a simple but appropriate diagrammatic representation for it ; we may perhaps adopt a formulation as in ( 7 ) where the arrowhead representing qualification passes through the bracket into the property which is the descriptive identification resource of the noun : ( 7 ) [ ( DISTANT ) ( COUSIN ) ] We should still speak of the adjective as attributive , since it remains part of the same entity-identification as the noun ; and it is still perfectly proper to describe it as qualifying the noun syntactically , inasmuch as it marks an extension of what would be achieved by using the noun alone .
10 It regarded it as undermining the peace process , as making assumptions about the possibility of breach by Egypt , and as allowing unilateral arbitration of breach by the United States .
11 He saw it as indicating the travel weariness of the great adventurer .
12 ‘ 'T WAS me as asked the question . ’
13 That little Rossiter , he does n't strike me as having the courage .
14 These tales made quite an impression on me as did the story of Uncle Fred 's eldest son , young Fred as he was known , putting on his age and managing to join the Marines when only sixteen , then found himself serving on the same ship as his father during the great battle — something of a unique record .
15 Most headhunters originally left their positions in industry at the behest of a headhunting firm who needed more consultants and saw them as fitting the bill .
16 Well , the story was that Arnold Thomas was the ambitious one , while the old man was content to live on the money he got from leasing the land to them as paid the price , usually folk who wanted a storage area or distribution centre .
17 The quarry site 's owners ARC have sought a court order to evoct the travellers from the site later this week , but by this evening it looked for most of them as thought the party was over anyway .
18 His son , Ernest , wrote Stockmar 's Memoirs , describing them as lifting the veil ‘ but a little ’ .
19 Nevertheless , certain commentators ( particularly Atkinson , 1984 ; Meager , 1985 ) have seized upon these or similar examples and Presented them as showing the direction which personnel policy ( and here their writings are rather unclear ) is , or should be taking to cope with the challenges posed by a rapidly changing , increasingly competitive economic environment .
20 The judicial reforms were detailed on May 8 by Deputy Premier and Chairman of the State Control Commission Manush Myftiu , who described them as strengthening the observance of human rights .
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