Example sentences of "[pers pn] at [pos pn] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Please state which regional final you would be able to attend from the list below , and provide a second option in case it is not possible to accommodate you at your first choice of location .
2 What the experts want to know about you at your antenatal clinic Nancy Stewart
3 You may be no stranger to our Tattoo and indeed this information may come to you at your own request .
4 If he sends a note by hand addressed to you at your own office , would that do ? "
5 After mature deliberation your Committee venture to propose to you to entrust them with powers to digest a scheme for the medical department , to receive claims , and investigate the merits of the different candidates who may propose themselves to fill the different situations in this line , as well as of the subordinate attendants of the house , and to report to you at your next general meeting the names of such persons as to them appear most proper , for your final approbation . ’
6 If this is done , we will write to you at your Registered Address ( see Condition 3 ) within 10 days of the deposit and tell you .
7 There were never complaints about you at your last lab . "
8 Even if he managed to get to a horse , he had a nasty suspicion that it would follow him at its own pace .
9 An instantaneous , violent urge to shake that remote calm , to see emotion in those serene , fathomless eyes , surged through him at her cool reply .
10 ‘ No , ’ he said , a soft laugh escaping him at her obvious embarrassment .
11 He had always said she was too young to be involved but had taken her with him at her own insistence .
12 I met him at my wee cousin 's wedding — he was the Best Man — he says to me would you like to go out for a bite to eat ?
13 He quoted a passage from the Psalms in which God speaks to the Messiah and sets him at his right hand until all enemies have been overcome .
14 His estranged wife Danielle and their three children spurned him at his sick bed when he announced plans to wed the former Bond girl .
15 Nobody recognised him at his true value .
16 He 'd survived where they had eliminated some of his followers because they took him at his own estimation , a man of the cloth .
17 ( 2 ) Nothing in subsection ( 1 ) above shall prohibit or restrict : ( a ) the consumption of alcoholic liquor in any premises at any time within fifteen minutes after the conclusion of the permitted hours in the afternoon or evening , as the case may be , if such liquor was supplied in those premises during the permitted hours ; ( b ) the taking of alcoholic liquor from any premises within fifteen minutes after the conclusion of the permitted hours in the afternoon or evening , as the case may be , if such liquor was supplied in those premises during the permitted hours and was not supplied or taken away in an open vessel ; ( c ) the sale or supply to , or consumption by , any person of alcoholic liquor in any premises where he is residing ; ( d ) the taking of alcoholic liquor from any premises by a person residing there ; ( e ) the supply of alcoholic liquor , in any premises , for consumption on those premises , to any private friends of a person residing there who are bona fide entertained by , and at the expense of , that person , or the consumption by such friends of alcoholic liquor so supplied to them ; the ordering of alcoholic liquor to be consumed off the premises or the despatch by the vendor of liquor so ordered ; ( g ) the supply of alcoholic liquor for consumption on licensed premises to any private friends of the holder of the licence bona fide entertained by him at his own expense , or the consumption of alcoholic liquor by persons so supplied ; ( h ) the consumption of alcoholic liquor at a meal by any person at any time within half an hour after the conclusion of the permitted hours in the afternoon or evening , as the case may be , if the liquor was supplied during the permitted hours and served at the same time as the meal and for consumption at the meal ; ( i ) the sale of alcoholic liquor to a trader for the purposes of his trade , or to a registered club for the purposes of the club ; or ( j ) the sale or supply of alcoholic liquor to any canteen in which the sale or supply of alcoholic liquor is carried on under the authority of the Secretary of State or to any authorised mess of members of Her Majesty 's naval , military or air forces .
18 Fido 's owners should be aware of this and take steps to play him at his own game .
19 CUSTOMERS who spent four hours haggling with a double glazing salesman may sue after beating him at his own game .
20 Decided to play him at his own game .
21 Somehow he felt that she had beaten him at his own game of keeping things on a cool level .
22 Play him at his own game , a small voice whispered .
23 ‘ He was the original tall , dark , handsome boy at school , ’ said a woman who knew him at his senior school .
24 ( 3 ) An objection shall , for the purposes of paragraph ( ii ) of subsection ( 2 ) above , be intimated to the applicant ( a ) by delivering to him a copy of the notice of objection lodged with the licensing board under paragraph ( a ) of that subsection ; or ( ii ) by sending a copy of the said notice by registered post or by recorded delivery in a letter addressed to him at his proper address ; or ( c ) by leaving a copy of the said notice for him at his proper address ; and , for the purposes of paragraphs ( ii ) and ( c ) of this subsection , the proper address in the case of an applicant being an individual natural person shall be his place of abode as specified in his application or , in the case of such an applicant applying for the renewal of a licence , the premises in respect of which the application is made , and , in the case of an applicant other than an individual natural person , shall be the address specified in the application .
25 ( 3 ) An objection shall , for the purposes of paragraph ( ii ) of subsection ( 2 ) above , be intimated to the applicant ( a ) by delivering to him a copy of the notice of objection lodged with the licensing board under paragraph ( a ) of that subsection ; or ( ii ) by sending a copy of the said notice by registered post or by recorded delivery in a letter addressed to him at his proper address ; or ( c ) by leaving a copy of the said notice for him at his proper address ; and , for the purposes of paragraphs ( ii ) and ( c ) of this subsection , the proper address in the case of an applicant being an individual natural person shall be his place of abode as specified in his application or , in the case of such an applicant applying for the renewal of a licence , the premises in respect of which the application is made , and , in the case of an applicant other than an individual natural person , shall be the address specified in the application .
26 Looking back to her first encounter with Balbinder a year ago , when she had visited him at his previous school , she said that she had been shocked .
27 When Callahan and I visited him at his large house on Sunset Beach , it was like walking around a graveyard : every board was a headstone with memories buried beneath it .
28 In the taxi , while he was dropping her at her small house in Fulham , she made an effort to regain some inch of the indispensable contact she had squandered , but there seemed no way of doing it .
29 The only problem there , though , since she would have to let Personnel at Vasey 's know where she had moved to , was that her employer would have no trouble in finding her at her new address either !
30 Style director Hamish Bowles , a lifelong fan , visited her at her magnificent home , Templeton , on Long Island and spent a day talking to and photographing her in some her favourite clothes ( see page 220 ) : ‘ It 's a ravishing and evocative home , C.Z. is a scintillating hostess and brings a contemporary touch to a house that is almost Edwardian in its management and battalions of staff . ’
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