Example sentences of "[pers pn] do in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 " But nobody knows where he is , what 'll I do in the meantime ? "
2 I actually feel more at home in Britain and in the States and France than I do in the North .
3 I think anything I do in the future is going to be purely from home consumption or from places
4 I share the hon. Gentleman 's views in the context of the six-week-old baby , just as I do in the context of the children in the school playground who were under threat this morning when the attack was made on the taxi driver .
5 Most of my work I do in the evenings when he 's in bed , ’ Ashley explained .
6 It is , however , right and proper that we do report to this sub- committee on the activities of the staff commission , and that I do in the paper before you .
7 and that one and so erm what I do in the Summer as you said , when the sun 's sort of at two o'clock
8 What I did in the circumstances was go off into an Ollieish riff about je ne sais quoi , keeping Stu achortle without waking the fair Gillian .
9 Yes erm but I do n't think I 'll ever again buy expensive Christmas presents in the way that I did in the past .
10 whatever your , your in it , and look after it , yes , erm well I do n't think I 'll ever again buy expensive Christmas presents in the way that I did in the past .
11 And I think he quote those , or they did n't quote them in much , as much detail as I did in the lectures .
12 Also Whittaker , the English master , must have suffered with my transposition of a simple sentence in basic english , but nevertheless seemed to enthuse over anything I did in the manner of an essay .
13 Then I took a year off , and she kept going on and on at me that it 's time to go back to college , so I did in the end .
14 Well I did in the end .
15 I definitely , I do n't really think I got more than I did in the end of year , last year one , I think I got forty percent in that
16 Erm cos I 'd always said ooh I would n't ever have a sunbed and all that , but I did in the end , cos we were n't gon na go anywhere so
17 Erm , but I wanted some cash , so what I did in the end was walked round Asda remembered it , or thought I remembered it , came back out put the erm card back in and the terminal came up erm it 's ok .
18 ‘ The pleasure of being top , and nothing else , except the interest of my father , made me do such homework as I did in the evenings … .
19 ‘ The review of ‘ I 'm Never Gon na Die Again' in Select started off saying that all the guitar playing that I did in The Birthday Party was genius and that since then I 've been very vague and confused .
20 Which really is the worst sort of hype , because although I think that some of the things I did in The Birthday Party were good and some of them were great , some of them were just , ‘ So what ? ’
21 I came over it below the farmhouse and hugged the side wall like I 've seen them do in the movies until I could peer round into the farmyard .
22 Anyway , I asked 'im what 'e done in the war an' 'e told me it was no concern o' mine .
23 What do you do in the afternoon ?
24 What did you do in the holiday
25 What were they u What did you do in the daytime then ?
26 What do you do in the water ?
27 Child : What work did you do in the school holidays ?
28 The Captain filled in the space where Maxwell might have thought he had to apologize , and then asked him quickly : ‘ What did you do in the north of Italy in January ?
29 What d' you do in the middle of the day ?
30 The inevitable question , ‘ What did you do in the hols ? ’ would be greeted with a list of the films I had seen , and the dances and point-to-points I had been to , whereas in fact I was not allowed to go to the cinema ( perhaps for financial reasons ) , had never been to a dance in my life , and did n't even know what a point-to-point was .
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