Example sentences of "[pers pn] do [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mind , I wo n't in I do n't like sport .
2 What am I doing here in mid-air ?
3 What am I doing here in bed with you ? ’
4 I must say that I do not at present find the time at all tedious and I may say scarcely monotonous .
5 Thus I do not for example think that there could be a human person ( which Christians must proclaim ) who stood in a different relationship to God than do all other human beings .
6 I do not of course condone those riots , but I can understand them .
7 Because of those changes , I do not in fact any longer agree with Jenkins and Kramarae that white middle-class speakers are taken as the norm in sociolinguistics .
8 and when I see the buses now running around , they seem to run everywhere I do n't on earth what kind of running board they 've got because in my day it was so well regulated that erm you just recorded certain intermediate stages and I quote Witton and Rushmere you get , used to get Witton Terminus , Norwich Road Bridge , Sherrington Road , Barret Corner , Electric House and you gave an indication of the time that those buses should be passing those times .
9 It 's not often a chairman has the chance to thank her Royal Highness publicly and I do so with pleasure now .
10 Erm I thought I 'd tell you a bit about what I did apart from medicine .
11 I did well at school because I was in love with and afraid of my teachers .
12 In doing so I did not of course mean to deny that sometimes immoral or unjust laws are not authoritatively binding .
13 I am not suggesting that my aunt 's remark served as some sort of trigger for my disease , because I did not in fact become anorexic until three or four years later .
14 I did so in Committee .
15 Yeah , but basically from , from that programme all , all the er , you can see all the resources were really being used all week and , but I had a problem when we came to do the bedrooms that er , you can there , we ran out of work for the decorators to do er removing this thing , once you 've removed and then I managed to squeeze in , but where the second decorator 's erm up to room twenty-three but rather than erm have just one gang than , and not , not using as many as the resources as we possibly could I let them gave the second gang a few rooms that they could actually squeeze in without interrupting I 've let them do up to room twenty-three and then and then basically the carpenting and they have to come in after everybody else has done what they Monday morning basically we just decided that we really needed more resources the earlier sequence of events to , to get so we were getting to so whether we 've been given
16 What did you do today at school Lauren ?
17 ‘ Did you do so in fact ? ’
18 You 're not now , oh right okay that 's fine , the er , what I want you to do instead of writing , I mean two hundred words is , is probably feel nothing , but in fact because we want er it to be absolutely right , what I 'd like you to do this time is just write an appraisal , the contents thing er that we had last time we had if you like , content and appraisal and audience , but audience was only er , a sentence or two , I 'd simply like a , an appraisal , what your view of this is , if you 're writing that part of the review , so we 're only thinking in terms of a hundred words now , er what I 'd like you to do is to distribute yourselves over the laboratory , erm go wherever you want but do n't start talking with people , it 's not the , not the Cribben thing I just want to get on with the exercise that I 'm concerned with and write your appraisal , but obviously put your name on it and er if we meet back here thirty five minutes is that long enough for under a hundred words of excellent quality ?
19 ‘ What are you doing out of bed ?
20 Whatever are you doing out of bed ?
21 ‘ Darius , ’ she scolds , ‘ what you doing out of bed ?
22 You tell me that you do n't in fact , sorry , on the Sunday before you killed the animals , you did n't in fact feed them .
23 Was getting into RADA an audition process that you enjoyed , coming as you did straight from school .
24 But you should not simply stick to subjects in which you did well at school .
25 There 's something about her which stopped other people saying ‘ what a nice dress ’ , or ‘ you did well on television yesterday ’ .
26 Well , in the first place you do n't of course , because the , the manifest content may be totally innocent .
27 You tell me that you do n't in fact , sorry , on the Sunday before you killed the animals , you did n't in fact feed them .
28 And , and it wo n't cost a lot to do , cos all you do instead of green , you 'll paint that red and you 've got the white pick out anyway , and a blue , seated blue carpet .
29 You do not in fact need to set up any special VMS accounts in order to run LIFESPAN .
30 She did n't of course .
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