Example sentences of "[pers pn] [am/are] [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are plenty of surgical patients walking around with only one lung , and some of them are down to a third of normal lung area .
2 Every time I go to Cambridge I come back depressed as hell ; then as soon as I am back to a Norfolk class spirits soar again .
3 ‘ I now feel that I am back to the form I had three years ago , and after my performances in Ireland , I feel I can win the Paris-Tours classic next Saturday , ’ he said .
4 After the meeting of the Cabinet held that same Sunday evening , when it became apparent that agreement could not be reached on the economy package , MacDonald , on his way to the palace , told Sir Ernest Harvey , the Deputy Governor of the Bank of England : ‘ I am off to the Palace to throw in my hand . '
5 ‘ Anyway , ’ she said , ‘ I am off to the pub .
6 Had he not left them the night before , exclaiming : ‘ I am off to the Palace to throw in my hand ’ ?
7 I 'm through to the final , and now I must make absolutely certain I 'm in the right frame of mind .
8 At a time ( 1944 ) when one 's acquaintances were casually saying ‘ I 'm off to the US to work on the atomic bomb ’ ( surely a gross breach of security ) I think Bernal was carefully insulated .
9 Personally , I 'm off to the chemist to buy myself a bottle of Gee 's Linctus ( active ingredient ; tincture of opium ) .
10 ‘ Go where you like , ’ she said , ‘ I 'm off to the moon . ’
11 I 'm off to the shops next , I 'll bring you a cup of tea on my way . ’
12 About-to-be-ex-Lit-Ed , actually , come early January ( I 'm off to the Independent Magazine , which , although it 's the most literary colour supplement in town , does not and will not run book reviews ) ; but while there is a breath of bookish discernment left in my body , I suggest the following thoughts about the spring lists .
13 On his way out he said : ‘ I 'm off to the Palace to throw in my hand . ’
14 I 'm off to the US next week and then I am doing an extended tour of the US and Canada .
15 But then I started putting humbuckers in all my guitars and now I 'm back to the single coil thing , but just for playing in my hotel room .
16 And , in an exclusive interview , Merson told me : ‘ I 'm back to the weight I was all last season , 13 stone , but ideally I would like to get down to 12st 10lb .
17 I 'm down to a measly
18 Do you know I 've had a blue pen , I 've had a black pen and now I 'm down to a bloody pencil .
19 I hope you are up to the job .
20 you are on to a good thing , you 'll end up with knitteds that suit you because they fit .
21 Well , that 's good if it 's working well , it 's working well , but here , if you 're here , say for a late afternoon meeting or something , and you 're wondering what these screaming bells are , they 're the night bells , and you can pick them up by picking up your handset and pressing 8 and that is it , and you 're through to the outside world .
22 ‘ And you 're on to a winner with the poll tax , paying the same as us . ’
23 But when you need them , you are out of practice with drawing them forth so , by the time you 've got practised , you 're on to a new set of thoughts which needs a different extraction technique — which has to be practised !
24 It 's actually and that 's the most absorbent time , your mind 's most absorbent where you 're up to the age of five which is when you should when you 're at nursery school .
25 Six eight you 've got to be careful with because you 're in to a different type of time .
26 Let's hope for a butterflyfilled summer this year , and if you 're off to a country wedding , may it be as joyful an occasion as the Sarns ' feast .
27 Of course , it 's Bonfire Night , so if you 're off to a display or just having a few sparklers at home , have a great evening .
28 Yes I 'm glad in a way , I suppose , though I 'll still never see you if you 're off to the provinces to entertain the troops , damn their eyes .
29 Now that she 's gone you wo n't always be saying that you 're off to the pictures with her .
30 They 'll be convinced you 're off to the Lake District today .
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