Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] to have a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She says : ‘ I tried to have a good marriage , be a good mother and have a career .
2 I seemed to have a separate brain for each limb , but they 'd all broken off diplomatic relations .
3 So that was how I came to have a new dress and boots and a real ribbon for my hair instead of the usual string .
4 Because of the difficulty of leaving the children , my wife and I decided to have a short break away on our own this year .
5 Because of the difficulty of leaving the children , my wife and I decided to have a short break away on our own this year .
6 I decided to have a clear out and throw out the same number of old pairs .
7 I managed to have a brief word with the rescued pilot as he was carried on a stretcher into the ambulance .
8 I liked to have a few days out in Middlesbrough , Sunderland or Newcastle but now I ca n't do this anymore and I 'm stuck in Hartlepool . ’
9 Ken said , ‘ I had to have a new banjo .
10 I had decided that I had to have a partial confidant at the school .
11 And course we 're doing a lot of counting today this wrist is a you know I do n't mind that you see what did that wrist was that elbow I had to have a second operation on it , in the arm up here because er I had to have some bone taken away in the elbow course it stretched guiders but they also erm disturbed the wrist joint because it was in plaster like that stretched round and disturbed the wrist joint and I ke it 's it weakened it and it 's only just it 's only just this what last nine months that it 's that it 's really started to effect this but I know what it is that 's because I keep going out doing the odd jobs
12 It was n't until I had to have a full medical two years later that I found I 'd got hookworm .
13 But he countered : ‘ The supporter was saying terrible things to me and I went back up the tunnel because I wanted to have a good look at the face of the person who was abusing me .
14 If radical politics have provided one consistent thread in his career , cricket has been another — going back to his early days in Derbyshire when he played for Littleover in the Notts & Derby Border League and was taught to bowl legcutters by twice-capped county coach Denis Smith : ‘ I suppose I ultimately failed him because in my rebelliousness I refused to have a decent short haircut , ’ he recalls .
15 Unless you 're like my Uncle Joe — a fox got his best foot , 'e 'ad to have a wooden leg , 'e was livid . ’
16 You got to have a good pair of legs and a good pair of lungs to go up there .
17 With a certain reluctance she agreed to have a further examination , and tests were taken from the cervix and urethra .
18 On yet another impulse , she stopped to have a quick look , because it just might have mentioned where Slane was , might n't it ?
19 She seemed to have a proper regard for the frivolous things in life .
20 She seemed to have a sensible head on her shoulders .
21 She seemed to have a natural gift of dignity . "
22 You needed to have a good , full , thick crop of hair to plait in order to achieve this effect , and I thought it nice .
23 And that I mean cos Mao said that how that you needed to have a moderate policy , that was the correct one
24 When Joanne worked on more open-ended work , she liked to have a whole class session to ensure that everyone had ‘ got the basic idea ’ .
25 The sergeant was chasing you round and if they came round and saw you coming out of a shop , you had to have a good explanation .
26 Structured thought which had as its main attributes three themes of course before you had that you had to have a clear objective which helped you to choose what those three themes were , and why why did we choose three as a based on
27 Then came more accidents — we seemed to have a large number of accidents in the 1950s and early 1960s and many of them finished up as public inquiries .
28 They put me in touch with a few other people in nearby Sheffield and we arranged to have a tentative first meeting in someone 's flat .
29 ‘ Last night we managed to have a reasonable conversation .
30 We appeared to have a decent squad then .
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