Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] on in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I drove on in the car .
2 I walked on in the dazzle
3 For as I say , as I motored on in the sunshine towards the Berkshire border , I continued to be surprised by the familiarity of the country around me .
4 Pedalling home , I used to play a game — that with every light I saw on in a house , I would get £1,000 a year .
5 For the first days , weeks even , I carried on in a light-headed and even giddy way .
6 And er then I carried on in the woodlands then , cutting trees down and erm sawing up too .
7 I 'm just too disheartened to intellectualise about the fascists you reported on in the Love Sees No Colour issue ( FACE 44 ) .
8 That was below the belt , but instead of stopping there while she was still in one piece , she drove on in a high , hectoring voice , ‘ Do n't you think your daughter deserves a little rest instead of going home to slave for you after she 's been working all week ? ’
9 Sandra Peden , her that works in the Co-operative she 's a Gold Medallist in Elocution you know , well wait till I tell you she came on in a long Laura Ashley nightdress carrying a Wee Willie Winkie candlestick with wee pink bedsocks and a matching pompom hat and did Holy Willie 's Prayer .
10 No matter which coach you went on in the old days ( and the Brightside and Carbrook Co-op ones were the best ) there was always a shilling sweep for the biggest fish and another shilling for the best roach .
11 ‘ You can tell your father , ’ she went on in a low voice , ‘ there 's plenty in the valley willing to help .
12 ‘ It is , actually , ’ she went on in a normal voice .
13 ‘ I did mean what I said last night , ’ she went on in a strangled whisper .
14 ‘ So much , Steve , ’ she went on in an agonised whisper .
15 ‘ It means of course , ’ she went on in the same level tone , ‘ that you will not be free to make a decision until your uncle dies .
16 We carried on in a more sober mood , each repeating his own prayers .
17 I 'm anxious to know how they got on in the woods because Otley 's always nice going in and nasty when we 're coming out .
18 The 1993 event started in York on 14 February and we will report on how they got on in the next issue .
19 Round and round , they rode on in a frenzy , Boadicea just smiled and drank wine
20 They drove on in the darkness , forming one bundle under the cloth .
21 For a time they trudged on in a silence punctuated by occasional reminiscences of the film .
22 The problem is that UK households , like US ones , are struggling to repay the debts they took on in the boom years of the 1980s , he explained .
23 He was a man of simple tastes who had a down-to-earth view of life that he passed on in an almost unconscious way with an innate goodness that is found among the local pillars of the community who never stray far from their birthplace .
24 And he walked on in the winter sunshine , the tom-cat smell of the tramp in his nostrils , the wind swelling his clothes , bowling him down the hill towards the station .
25 ‘ Sometimes , ’ he went on in a low voice , ‘ I lie awake at night thinking of what would happen to this place if you should die without issue . ’
26 ‘ The next morning , ’ he went on in a flat emotionless voice , ‘ I rose late .
27 ‘ It seems , ’ he went on in a calmer voice , ‘ that Rickie and Robin-Anne are among the sizeable minority of the population that is peculiarly prone to severe addiction . ’
28 ‘ You 'll have other interests now , though , ’ he went on in a friendly , easy manner .
29 ‘ Partly as a result of excessive leniency , ’ he went on in a familiar line of argument , ‘ there has been developed a pestiferous class of young ruffians who have caused great suffering to the respectable … to whom they have become a terror . ’
30 He went on in a similar vein .
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