Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] down in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I looked down in some wonderment at the shiny blacktop , therefore , nevertheless noting that unevennesses were already manifesting themselves .
2 She sat down in one of the box pews to the rear of the nave .
3 Once inside the door , however , she found that her leg was still too stiff and tingling to move properly , so she sat down in one of the pale , bentwood breakfast chairs …
4 They went down in one day , unloaded the two separate loads , got round to number seven Edgeware Road the next day .
5 But he got down in two more , for a bogey five , and then the chasers , Langer and David Graham , found they had run out of puff .
6 Inside , the rooms are light and panelled with elegant pedimented overdoors , and it is sad to think that the full splendour of Bullen Reynes 's house was only enjoyed by his son and his family for a few short years ; the bulk of it burned down in 1704 .
7 It burned down in 1697 — only Inigo Jones 's Banqueting Hall survives .
8 We watched fascinated as it parachuted down in slow descent , tail fanned , wings tilted upwards .
9 Sometimes it poured down in such thick sheets of water that earth and sky seemed merged in one grey wetness …
10 It burnt down in 1731 ’ , the notice read .
11 Then he went down in this loose scrum , should n't have been there , but he was always a bit of a hero , and I put my foot in looking for the ball and there he was .
12 In the first chapter of his autobiography , we have an interesting record of this struggle , which he wrote down in English words but in Greek characters , in order that his thoughts erm should n't be accessible to his family .
13 I led him into the billiard room where I stoked the fire while he sat down in one of the leather chairs and began to remove his shoes .
14 This group was later also able to buy Scott 's Post , which it closed down in 1957 .
15 He became an MP in 1841 , immediately after leaving Cambridge , representing Maidstone as an independent Conservative until he stood down in 1852 in the hope of an Irish seat , but again represented Maidstone from 1857 until the General Election of 1859 .
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