Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] up a new " in BNC.

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1 I took up a new hold at 500 feet over the pilot and was pleased to see the dinghy on the water , fully inflated , between the helicopter and the pilot — and upwind of him !
2 Now she has moved on again — in late October she took up a new appointment in Rotherham .
3 She Dreamed up a new hobby for the Mayor , collecting antique paperweights , and made good use of them .
4 ‘ We 've lost four clients out of a total of 1,800 and I expect others will drift away , but we picked up a new client just this morning . ’
5 What he had already done at Bec and Caen , he would do at Canterbury : he rebuilt the cathedral church and monastic buildings ; he fought pertinaciously and successfully to defend the ancient properties of the cathedral church against the rapacious invading nobility , who scoured the land for what they could pick up ; he drew up a new code of monastic practice , and he introduced new men who would know how to implement it .
6 Once this new mode of production began to replace the old , it threw up a new class of owners .
7 How he used it opened up a new realm for investigation .
8 And saying that , in the last three years I since discovered , and it was quite difficult to , which I did find , that there was alternative erm therapists , which was lots of groups that were going on and once I got into it erm the , it opened up a new , you know I ne I 've never saw the light at the tunnel that is shining brightly now !
9 The hesitant middle-aged gentleman who was brave enough to join a keep fit class later found himself confident enough to join the neighbouring management training and business start-up class , and grew in confidence and ability to the extent that he opened up a new business .
10 After serving as a foreign correspondent in the Middle East and Paris , he took up a new job in Berlin on the very day in 1930 when the Reichstag election heralded unprecedented barbarism in Europe .
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