Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] for a time " in BNC.

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1 I studied for a time in Paris , Padua and Salerno . ’
2 While I was there , I went for a time to a sangha , a Buddhist religious community .
3 erm to go to another famous bio-plan , I pondered for a time about why does the bio-plan of insects insist on having six legs , after all we do n't have six legs , why do insects have six legs ?
4 They clasped hands and held them clasped for a time .
5 She danced for a time in Pavlova 's company , and returned home in 1928 with the ambition of developing ballet in her native land .
6 The second daughter , Katarina ( Tinka ) , also graduated from the College , where she taught for a time .
7 She drifted for a time , warm , letting the feeling build , her hips barely stirring .
8 She was still sick at heart when she passed down through the last glade and found herself staring at the Lodge 's covert thatch , its closed door , She stood for a time in the yard outside , afraid to enter .
9 We lived for a time in Washington DC , ’ she said slowly .
10 Here , following the banner of reform , led by the gentlemen of that most aristocratic Whig Government , led by Lord Grey , Lord Melbourne , Lord John Russell , they saw for a time before them the high road to a better and fairer ordering of society .
11 ’ So they romanced for a time , whispering on the edge of sleep , until a noise of footsteps , first a few and then large numbers , came from the road outside .
12 Robert Bevan , one of their number , had worked at Pont-Aven and had known Paul Gauguin , and Sickert , whose sympathy with France went deep , owned a house in Neuville , on the outskirts of Dieppe , which he lent for a time to the Gilmans .
13 He mused for a time over alternative means of strengthening control , even on the possibility of a Minister replacing Citrine as chairman , but in the end he accepted the logic of the independent Morrisonian public corporation on which Labour 's nationalisation had ostensibly been based .
14 With his entrepreneurial skills , and his international connections , he seemed for a time the man most likely to lead the British film industry away from its artisanal base , but he turned out to be no more responsive than anyone else to developments that were going to make things very difficult for the pioneers .
15 During the long ministry of Lord North ( 1770–82 ) he seemed for a time to have achieved this objective .
16 While studying theology at Oxford he joined for a time the household of Robert Grosseteste [ q.v. ] , bishop of Lincoln , probably through the good offices of Adam Marsh , who described him as ‘ active , discreet , full of goodwill and devoted to the cure of souls ’ ( Mon .
17 Mr Bolona is equally welcome in financial circles in North America , where he worked for a time as a consultant on Latin American debt .
18 He worked for a time with Stopover House and the Newham Alternative Project , both designed to provide temporary help for the poor and homeless of the East End .
19 In Lewis the effect of the decline in the inshore fishing industry was all the more dramatic because it looked for a time as if it might be averted .
20 He went for a time to Australia , then jumped ship in Cape Town ( which caused a scandal ) and was subsequently cared for by his uncle Willy , Theunis 's younger son .
21 It did for a time seem to explain the trajectories of development and underdevelopment in some countries of Latin America , but when it was applied to Africa and Asia it was much less successful .
22 Ken Wolstenholme was never really lost to football after he left the Beeb and he commentated for a time on ITV 's Tyne Tees station and recently worked for Tottenham 's Clubcall line .
23 Hahnemann therefore had to move frequently as restrictions on his practice were imposed in one town after another , but despite this he lectured for a time on homoeopathy in the University of Leipzig and he had a large band of influential patrons and supporters as well as a number of able and gifted pupils .
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