Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] in the way " in BNC.

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1 The other day , I got in the way of a car and the driver had to swerve to avoid me .
2 She said , ‘ I 'm sorry if I got in the way just now , when you wanted to talk about the vineyard . ’
3 A meeting in which you say ‘ if what you tell me happened in the way you describe then we owe you an apology ’ would seem to offer no admission of liability or guilt in situations where legal action results .
4 She got in the way of their passionate preoccupations .
5 Her worst was when she got in the way ; backstage timing sometimes had to be precise , and it was no place for someone who was still taking in the sights .
6 Whatever she took in the way of rough spontaneous notes during a discussion would later be typed up in immaculate form .
7 Yeah , they 're all listed are n't but as we came we came in the way we would come , I 'm a bit ignorant , so I suppose we were
8 As far as most Sussex people were concerned , it was probably a struggle which only affected them if they got in the way of one of the opposing forces .
9 They got in the way .
10 They raised expectations ; they got in the way of the person behind them .
11 One can not imagine , for example , a geophysicist ignoring the results of his seismic surveys because they got in the way of his theories , and yet Weiss says that this sort of possibility exists in bad or unscrupulous social science research .
12 The police are urging those responsible to return the toys they 've stolen and allow the victims ' families to pay tribute to the loved ones they lost in the way they want to .
13 One assumes they meant in the way of financial backing and key personnel , but the apparent snub led to accusations of anti-Semitism and xenophobia .
14 But they stood in the way of ‘ improvers ’ , usually great landowners like the Earl of Bristol in the 1660s who were greedy for the easy expansion of their estates which forest enclosures could offer .
15 Bourgeois society took for granted the sanctity of property , the supremacy of the market as a social regulator , the propriety of individual self-improvement and self-advancement , the abandonment of the traditional and irrational where they stood in the way of utility , and a belief in progress .
16 To monitor the course of the project , that is , to study the implementation of the action project design , to find out whether it operated in the way envisaged , using the means planned , and to examine any problems which arose and any unanticipated consequences .
17 That was the first occasion when I saw my exercising as an irritating use of time , because it got in the way of our friendship .
18 It got in the way when she had tried to cry yet it allowed no room for self-pity .
19 Admitting this , it might nevertheless be claimed that a person 's consenting entails , as a matter of the meaning of ‘ consent ’ , not only that he acted in the way I have described , but that his action has the purported normative consequences .
20 ‘ We knew they were worried about Chappy 's aerial ability , and it showed in the way they dealt with him .
21 He took in the way the little boy 's hands stretched out over the crowd of distressed men as if to soothe them , and , for the first time in his life , he felt something that was not quite fear and not quite joy — an emptiness that longed to be filled .
22 Yet , when I was seven years old , I should have thought him a very silly little boy indeed not to have understood about metaphorically speaking , even if he had never heard of it , and it does seem that what he possessed in the way of scientific approach he lacked in common sense .
23 The architect who could now travel to sites on a steam train and use technical terms and modern scaffolding had a different relationship with the client , who was more informed about what he wanted in the way of a new house in the country .
24 ‘ Each of my sisters — one of them without realising it — were used as emotional weapons against me to get what he wanted in the way of sex .
25 But he treated the democracy about which he boasted to foreign journalists with near contempt when it stood in the way of his domestic ambitions .
26 The principal author of the market reform programme , Abalkin was booed and slow hand-clapped during an impassioned speech in which he declared that the party hitherto had failed socialist ideals in every respect , and would be swept aside if it stood in the way of a market economy .
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