Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [verb] a different " in BNC.

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1 If I had followed a different route through Bradford or Brixton the complexion of this story would have transformed some of its objectives : whiteness and blackness would have encountered each other dramatically .
2 I would feel I had become a different person .
3 ‘ How you must be wishing you 'd chosen a different way of doing things . ’
4 One in 10 of you bravely admitted that you wish you 'd married a different man , but your main concern is still to try and make things work .
5 George said you 'd got a different version . ’
6 But she 'd spoken a different baby language from her husband , the Colonel : a kind of upper-class malay with thirty different words for ‘ you ’ and ‘ me ’ , depending on the grade of the person speaking and their mutual relationship , that kind of thing .
7 She began to take a different route so that she approached her home from the other end of Magdalen Street and avoided a meeting with John .
8 But after a term she decided to take a different route , bookshop experience , a degree in English , more bookshop experience , and some in wholesaling .
9 She decided to try a different tack .
10 Chiefly she felt that , as in a sudden slip or subsidence , she had become a different person : a worse person , a desperate person , but powerful and free .
11 To enable us to get at the real reasons for lending decisions and influences upon those decisions , we decided to adopt a different approach from any previous research … ‘
12 Every day we had tackled a different walk , each enriched by the gentle Gozitan kindness we net along the way .
13 They seemed to have a different attitude to the lecturers and were not afraid to go to them for elucidation of points they did not fully understand , and in tutorials showed their wider knowledge , and their readiness to think for themselves rather than just reproduce what they had learned from textbooks and lectures .
14 But when they started to use a different supplier , he threatened them .
15 The next day they decided to use a different crane and the chains were removed .
16 I ca n't help but wonder why on earth they did have a different strip for the World Cup .
17 Then she saw how the Oxo boy on the advertisement hoarding smiled and she realized that they had come a different way by a different route and that she was nearly at Mrs Parvis 's boarding house .
18 We crossed several large meadows before working along steep , loose flanks , rich with flowers but not a route for mules , wherever they were — they had taken a different line .
19 However , it would be dangerous indeed to assume that all these entrants were intended to acquire a full competence in the trade.58 Work on Essex shows that the skill and training content of female apprenticeships was generally modest , and that they tended to have a different meaning .
20 ALAN Hickman from Derbyshire became worried about the advice he was receiving over his pension transfer when he realised that each expert he consulted recommended a different course of action .
21 He tried to visit a different European country on each of his spring trips . ’
22 I remember one time before he met Hilda — he seemed to have a different lass every Saturday night for a year or more .
23 As she was gazing at him , he turned to study a different row of tiles and a shaft of sunlight illuminated the left side of his face .
24 He decided to adopt a different approach and to try and teach the Bible through story-telling .
25 In some regions the transformation had taken place much earlier , as in Kent , or Essex , or Devon , where it had taken a different form altogether , and most of the fields had been reclaimed direct from forest and moorland without passing through the open-field stage at all , or had been enclosed from open field at an early date .
26 He said that on the issue of whether parents in such circumstances could claim damages , he had reached a different conclusion from Lord Prosser .
27 Before he saw Nicandra alone on the stand , he had noticed a different kind of tension ; it was in the bar , where Andrew was having a drink with Lalage , while now , he guessed , Nicandra would be getting the money on to Lalage 's horse .
28 He loved the superb art of the Dutch Golden Age , but he wanted to master a different , rougher , Adamistic art , purposely naive , one that satisfied his demands for simplicity and truth and vindicated his distaste for luxury .
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