Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For five months , the two of them lived with her mother in Brighton .
2 ‘ There are no provisions for new ideas , so I keep them posted in my office until I need them , ’ he said .
3 One of them slouched in her seat making a great show of what she thought of the event .
4 Unitarian tendencies were found amongst some Quakers in both England and Ireland in these years and the Liverpool abolitionist William Rathbone 's sympathetic treatment of them led to his disownment by the Friends and the passage of his family to Unitarianism .
5 Maybe you would n't get so many of them wasted before their time . ’
6 The coach wrenched forwards , the spurred boot of the trooper next them stabbed at his horse 's side , blood spurted and red drops hit the window .
7 I have now , through your lordship 's favour , the satisfaction of seeing them cultivated in my neighbourhood , by the skilful hand of my friend , Mr. Miller , and shall take the first opportunity of describing and engraving them that the public may see how much they are indebted to your lordship .
8 Two of them knelt at her casement , with muskets at the side !
9 Two of them knelt at her casement , with muskets their side .
10 One or two people at the other end were snoring and once someone quite close to me shouted in his sleep :
11 They stood quietly in the light rain , and more than half of them sucked at their ice creams .
12 After using it , I asked about its accuracy , as the readings bore no resemblance to that of the chemical test kit .
13 I asked about her daughter and her son and husband .
14 I asked about her Home for Unmarried Mothers .
15 I asked about her work before she married .
16 He said , ‘ Well , I asked about your life .
17 I asked about his wife .
18 I asked for my question to be translated into Bengali .
19 I asked for my husband to be returned from the Gulf but this was not possible due to the ground war beginning .
20 I asked for my Mother to be brought from the UK to give me comfort in my husband 's place , it took 3 weeks for this to happen .
21 I asked after his wife .
22 So I applied for my discharge and it was granted .
23 I gazed at my father for a moment , touched his forehead slightly , then withdrew my hand .
24 However , whilst searching through various books in my library , I chanced upon my copy of Folklore , Myths and Legends of Britain and wondered if there were anything mentioned about the Silbury Hill area that I had been writing about .
25 In response to some implied criticism I made of his treatment of the sub-editor , Porua regarded me in a sneering silence and then said , ‘ Why should I have regard for my fellows ?
26 ‘ And she has made the same promise to me that I made to my mum and dad . ’
27 I made during my year a number of lasting friendships , some of which have actually turned into professional assistance in different parts of the country , and the fact that people genuinely enjoy meeting each other is shown by the annual reunions which take place , entirely at the personal expense of the individuals , which demonstrate the bond of friendship which our Institute can bring about .
28 I had already seen a couple of ringed seals , several eider duck , many Arctic terns and kittiwakes and a few scruffy immature glaucous gulls before I crept into my bunk to sleep .
29 She said , under pain of death , I was to leave you , for I interfered with her son and his lover . ’
30 ‘ Kaptan , ’ I whispered into his ear , ‘ please stay quiet . ’
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