Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [verb] [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 Ever since we 'd been at university together , I 'd known him as a bit of a shower freak , staying in there for ages .
2 I hated having him as a bed-mate .
3 I decided to use it as the chance to turn my life around .
4 ‘ A pastor I knew used it as the basis of his final sermon , before facing his greatest fear .
5 I did see him as a six year old child .
6 Well again , I , I , I had to do it as a kid but I did n't afterwards but er , I er , tell you about this chap and I even went back and told him .
7 And then , suddenly , I had to see him as a MAN — my husband !
8 I intended to present him as an attractive personality — the sort of man who is very charming , hospitable , physically attractive to a lot of women .
9 Some of them seemed to view it as a sort of health cure .
10 B : If you 'd left me as captain , none of it would have happened .
11 They probably thought you 'd added me as a convoy . ’
12 And then erm mother of course , I can always remember was in the Guild and erm she would , the Guild in those days I 'm always telling the er people today , were very , very active women , very active erm and you 'd got them as councillors , magistrates erm come forward to all these positions .
13 A SUPERMARKET assistant recognised a man who tried to pay for goods with a stolen credit card — because she 'd seen him as a strippergram .
14 She 'd given them as a wedding present , she said , and never seen them used .
15 She 'd wiped their tears , she 'd wiped their botties , and she 'd loved them as if they were her own .
16 I 'd said the right thing and she 'd buttoned me as the one who signed the cheques .
17 Now that we were adults , she seemed to accept me as a friend .
18 The hedgehog itself was 19 stitches wide and she had saved it as a 23-stitch pattern repeat .
19 He was as perfect to her now as he had been when she had seen him as a child .
20 We got about six sentences too deep in our conversation for her to institute personal questions about my background , without appearing offensive ( she had to treat me as a person now and not a peon ) , even for Asians who delight in asking pertinent questions as to age , income , etc. , unthinkable for more backward Europeans .
21 She had wanted it preserved and she had chosen him as a means to this end .
22 When she had seen him first , she had marked him as a " bully " , one of those who kept the brothel girls in line .
23 Surely she had taken it as an ill omen ?
24 You had to address him as Sergeant : ‘ All correct , Sergeant . ’
25 You had to enter them as foals , and then when you entered them it cost you fifty pounds to enter them , and it cost you fifty pounds for every quarter of that lifetime of that foal .
26 We managed to sell it as a going concern , but got next to nothing for it and had to take a massive write-off .
27 ( That is why we refused to treat them as a separate school . )
28 What we could choose to do if we wanted to keep them as that figure head and as a P R agency almost , we could pay them a specific salary , similar to other people who work in advertising industry
29 They agreed to release him as an uncontested registration to enable him to find a county where he could hope for greater opportunities , and although we ca n't guarantee a first-team place , he 'll get plenty of chances if he does the business .
30 Finally they seemed to accept me as part of the landscape and came within the range of my camera .
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