Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [to-vb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Course , I 'ad to 'ang about a bit until I saw yer go out , and afterwards I met 'im at the Elephant an' Castle .
2 I agreed to pass on the message as I was on my way to Make-up . ’
3 I got to work up a good sweat .
4 I tried to tidy up a bit when I first came to work here , but I soon found out I was wasting my time .
5 Desperately I tried to hold down the rising sickness I felt about the theft of my writing to listen to all he was telling .
6 I tried to take over the kitchen , but in this I was thwarted by my father who had his own ideas about food , and who would keep interfering and making a mess , whereas I preferred to clear away and wash up as I went along .
7 I tried to crush up a salt tablet in a cup and dissolve it in the water but she moaned when I held the cup to her lips and tried to turn her head away .
8 I tried to separate out the harmonies in the snoring .
9 I tried to come off a few times , y'know , off me own bat , like , but there was too much of it around .
10 The hospital had a flower shop inside its main entrance and I subbed Fenella a tenner to get a decent bunch of flowers ( I knew I should have told them about their pot plant ) while I tried to chat up the nurse on reception .
11 As well as observing the score 's incredible organization of its thematic riches — ‘ I tried to work out a little table of leitmotifs and I got past 70 , which is amazing in an opera ’ — Maazel discovered in rehearsal just how well thought out Puccini 's orchestration actually is .
12 I tried to work out an obvious connection between scholarship and cocaine and could not , but knew better than to ask .
13 As I lay back on my bed I tried to work out the connection between him and the British Empire and Fresnes gaol , but could make nothing of it .
14 Playing with the selectors challenged my mathematics as I tried to work out the exact number of available tones , but let's just say there should be something here for virtually every style of player .
15 I promised to ask around a bit , and it occurred to me that the book might contain a clue . ’
16 Though we no longer went out together in the evenings , I promised to keep up the pretence that we did .
17 These notes were invaluable when I came to write up the results of the study .
18 Halfway through my wash , I happened to glance up an notice one particularly well-hung lad studying my privates with a look of some amusement .
19 I began to reckon up the people whom I knew to be prisoners .
20 Standing motionless , a yard inside the room , I began to pick up a strange hissing noise .
21 In the end I thought it was a good job that I 'd cut her dead because I began to pick up the gossip about her and found out that she 'd left home when she did because she was pregnant and had had a baby .
22 After a while I did something else I had n't done for several months : I began to rough out a poem .
23 I was thinking about life , the universe and how much I liked Kim Carnes 's voice ( a voice that makes you regret moving to filter cigarettes ) on the tape-deck when I began to conjure up a mental picture of Billy Tuckett .
24 Leaving the heat and the nearly finished bridehouse , I returned to soak up the last of a cool , green English summer .
25 I determined to stamp out the French ‘ flu before it spread .
26 To the right is one of several photocopies of the bride , complete in outline , on which I worked to sort out the background composition in more detail , especially the position of the patterned arch on the carpet backdrop , which corresponds with the curve of the headcloth material embroidery at the bottom left .
27 I decided to draw up a proposal for a book which would attempt a synthesis of structuralist and feminist ideas — not with any enthusiasm , and with the hope that it would never actually get done .
28 I decided to sit out the recession by selling the remaining 16 years on my lease and moving home to Crouch End in North London .
29 The first year of my research made up my pilot study and from that I decided to carry out a full scale research project .
30 I read in an old Practical Fishkeeping an article on setting up a South American general community , this set me thinking and I decided to set up a South American Catfish community with a view to keeping some of the more readily-available , but hard to breed catfish and to provide them with the optimum conditions and numbers to hopefully have some breeding success .
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