Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [to-vb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 I agreed to pass on the message as I was on my way to Make-up . ’
2 Desperately I tried to hold down the rising sickness I felt about the theft of my writing to listen to all he was telling .
3 I tried to explain then the basis on which we maintain contacts with the Palestinians .
4 I tried to take over the kitchen , but in this I was thwarted by my father who had his own ideas about food , and who would keep interfering and making a mess , whereas I preferred to clear away and wash up as I went along .
5 While Carradine slept , I tried to take away the taste of defeat and Kelly 's coffee with a shot or fourteen .
6 I thought it would be of interest to members if I tried to illustrate how the diamorphic diagnosis can be made , even with a dusty old specimen in a cupboard somewhere .
7 I tried to separate out the harmonies in the snoring .
8 I tried to imagine how the world had been created , and I imagined Sooty — you know ; the glove puppet — ’
9 The hospital had a flower shop inside its main entrance and I subbed Fenella a tenner to get a decent bunch of flowers ( I knew I should have told them about their pot plant ) while I tried to chat up the nurse on reception .
10 As I lay back on my bed I tried to work out the connection between him and the British Empire and Fresnes gaol , but could make nothing of it .
11 Playing with the selectors challenged my mathematics as I tried to work out the exact number of available tones , but let's just say there should be something here for virtually every style of player .
12 Though we no longer went out together in the evenings , I promised to keep up the pretence that we did .
13 I ventured to express exactly the opposite opinion and was stared at as if I were a hawker of ladies ’ underwear who had accidentally strayed into a monastery . ’
14 But the Scanachrome process introduces a linear scanning over the whole image , so I proposed to paint only the area of the TV screen and leave the scanning on everything that is n't TV .
15 These notes were invaluable when I came to write up the results of the study .
16 I began to reckon up the people whom I knew to be prisoners .
17 In the end I thought it was a good job that I 'd cut her dead because I began to pick up the gossip about her and found out that she 'd left home when she did because she was pregnant and had had a baby .
18 I began to see how the literature I revered , the literature I loathed , behaved in its encounter with racial ideology .
19 Leaving the heat and the nearly finished bridehouse , I returned to soak up the last of a cool , green English summer .
20 I determined to stamp out the French ‘ flu before it spread .
21 To the right is one of several photocopies of the bride , complete in outline , on which I worked to sort out the background composition in more detail , especially the position of the patterned arch on the carpet backdrop , which corresponds with the curve of the headcloth material embroidery at the bottom left .
22 I decided to sit out the recession by selling the remaining 16 years on my lease and moving home to Crouch End in North London .
23 Hardly any of them replied and Chris , Nick and I decided to follow up the letters with phone calls .
24 I needed to call up the heroic days when Dennis was still around , and we were young and carefree , bonking our brains out while he shouted banalities from the foot of the stairs .
25 As he watched , I started to drag away the old door that had served us so well as foot-stopper .
26 I 've got one I meant to put on the main agenda and I forgot , and I wrote the agenda .
27 Because of the range of the respective sizes of each range and the feel of the marker pens themselves , I chose to try out the KC-1100 Twin Point Pens in a studio context and the KC-400 Brush Pens in the field .
28 In three minutes I managed to put out the whole fire , and the lovely old building was safe .
29 I managed to hammer out the brief for the marioc debate in the nick of time .
30 I managed to get down the last two words of the preceding paragraph before my stomach over-boiled into my mouth .
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