Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [pos pn] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd just got my licence and I drove into Manhattan , because I got my licence the day I turned sixteen .
2 As soon as I loosened my grip the tiniest fraction — say to alter the angle of insertion from one that caused grievous bodily harm to one that was only very uncomfortable — the damned thing sprang into a new incarnation as a frisbee and shot across the room .
3 This resulted in a great deal of correspondence between myself and the Development Corporation and at the end of it I told my wife the best thing to do was to hand her notice in as there was no chance of us ever getting a house in Harlow , fortunately her services were much more seriously in demand then we imagined and the company nominated us for one , a house which is allocated to one of their executives , the house that we 're living in now and have lived in ever since nineteen sixty three .
4 I turned my face the other way . ’
5 POWELL : Oh yes , I enjoyed your speech the other day .
6 I called her baby the Dust Baby and bought him clothes from a shop in Nassau before I left .
7 but she liv I saw her Nan the other day and like her Nan , I do n't cos her Nan always invites me round .
8 I saw my father the night he was murdered . ’
9 Of Reason In Because I was late I missed my turn the clause because I was late tells why I missed my turn .
10 The fewer people who knew where she got her information the better .
11 There were pictures in one of Gloria 's magazines of the decorated carriage Pulled by plumed horses that Her Majesty had travelled in before she became Her Majesty the Queen , when she was still just a Lady , on her way to be married .
12 She passed her grandfather the courgettes .
13 She learnt her lesson the hard way .
14 He saw her raise her arm to touch the corner of her mouth with her handkerchief , and when she turned her head the features were blurred like a lump of clay when the wet cloth is removed .
15 As she opened her door the telephone was ringing .
16 ‘ Sebastian , ’ she addressed her brother the night before she was due to present herself at G Vasey Ltd for interview , ‘ I do n't suppose you still have those specs you wore when you played a professor in — ’
17 Each time she heard her name the girl stared at them more anxiously than ever , as if she wanted to speak , to excuse herself , but was too exhausted .
18 And every time she sang her song the people knew that she 'd be coming back .
19 Sorry to hear you gave your husband the wrong leg though .
20 If undoing is unsuccessful , or if you preferred your document the way it was before undoing , Undo a second time .
21 Once she 'd downed some of the extra-strong brew she gave her sister the bare bones of the story , then turned dull eyes on Elise 's horrified face .
22 It was probably a combination of the moonlight and the girl but what-ever it was , the man who went on to become world-famous singing star Frankie Vaughan says she stole his heart the instant he saw her .
23 We made our place the upper glens and moorlands of Scotland in the north where Men could less easily find us .
24 As we finished our research the first woman Prime Minister headed the British Government .
25 my Lord the fifth point in relation to question three , C , we 've always understood this to be a threshold bond , we 've concentrated on the words capable in law in relation to section fourteen , there are two ways of viewing this and your Lordship will clearly have to take a view on whether er one or both of these is a proper issue under clause three , C one , first of all is , is , is section fourteen itself capable of restricting the competition , is it in itself a restriction of competition , well we took your Lordship the C B R case , the case of the commission in which an ouster clause was held to infringe article eighty five , because of it 's interrelationship with the other restrictions and so section fourteen is bad if the other restrictions are made out as a matter of competition law , that we say is a question of fact and we therefore answer that part of three C by saying it 's not capable in law
26 But as they made their getaway the gang crashed into a lorry , and then panicked hijacking four cars at gunpoint , and opening fire on police .
27 They found their bedroom the hardest room to decorate in the new style .
28 They named their fund the " loaves and fishes " !
29 Even as they gathered their evidence the defence committee members knew they had no power , only the hope of influence .
30 They earned their promotion the hard way .
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