Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [adv] up the " in BNC.

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1 I scrambled frantically up the face of another eight-footer .
2 I crawled quietly up the slope , the grass sliding under my chest and belly , my legs straining to propel my bulk up and forward .
3 She moved cautiously up the corroded metal steps on to the catwalk and knelt beside the German , the Beretta pressed into the nape of his neck .
4 As she trudged awkwardly up the valley road her feet began to sweat and the toes rubbed painfully against each other .
5 To love one 's neighbour , she thought as she trudged resolutely up the Finchley Road , must surely often be an effort of the will rather than a pleasurable upsurging of emotion .
6 She looked wistfully up the companionway to the square of blue sky , but fought the urge to go up on deck , scared he might ask her to do something that would reveal her ignorance .
7 She paused halfway up the second flight to hear whether anyone was following , but all she heard was the sound of a door below opening and the voices of Joseph , Maurin and Barbara Coleman going into the flat .
8 Gravel spurted from the heels of her boots as she crawled furiously up the cliff down which she had just slid .
9 It was not far enough , as there was still downward straggle , so we moved further up the ladder to cubes .
10 Anyway , we did n't have much luck in the hollow either , so we moved further up the field .
11 We had spent a week at La Bérade — that little unspoilt mountain hamlet deep within the Dauphiné massif where Eric shipton stayed in 1925 for his first alpine season ; and though we 'd found the mountains bathed in light and little snow around as we drove slowly up the battered but stupendous road from St Christoph through Les Etages , his words about the view he had from the bus exactly mirrored our mood as we peered up through a windscreen at the hills :
12 She held my hand and we walked slowly up the yard .
13 We went farther up the wasted beach , still finding interesting pieces of flotsam and finally coming to the rusted remnant I thought was a water-tank or a half-buried canoe , from a distance .
14 Moving like ants in a sand-trap we gasped slowly up the near-vertical rim of the secondary crater , into a storm of ash which masked the gathering dawn .
15 Roirbak bundled Tammuz into the elevator and they rode halfway up the building in silence until Tammuz said : ‘ I ca n't believe this ! ’
16 They walked slowly up the broad staircase , Alec holding the oil-lamp a little above his head .
17 ‘ I think your past is terribly romantic , ’ Madeleine said as they walked slowly up the staircase .
18 They walked slowly up the church path , past the old graves , those so seared by time and weather that they stood as grey shapes furred with lichen , names and dates no longer legible , uniform in obscurity .
19 JOCASTA FORBES WATCHED the headlights of her mother 's car as it drove carefully up the twisting canyon drive , and began to die inside .
20 He drove leisurely up the country lane and ascended the hill , before bearing left along the escarpment .
21 ‘ Spewed me ring up all night , then I went and rode me bike into that mooring rope over there , ’ he indicated further up the dock .
22 He has described how on that summer morning he tip-toed alone up the back-stairs to the bedroom where her body lay :
23 He went straight up the stairs and a few minutes later came down carrying a parcel of his things .
24 He went quickly up the metal staircase , leaving Amanda entangled with a group below .
25 He stamped heavily up the stone steps , through the door , along the stone-paved entrance hall .
26 He ran easily up the meadow towards the cows .
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