Example sentences of "[pers pn] [coord] [vb base] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With other feelings we may be burdened by their strength , yet still be free enough to choose whether we express them to others by word or action , indulge them or keep a tight rein on them .
2 A certain firm famous for their ‘ bags ’ trouser suits , used to do an extensive line of grey anoraks , but they obviously had a visit from the style police and were made to put bits of navy blue and red in them or face a lengthy jail sentence .
3 I stole a quick sidelong glance , and saw him turn his head at the same instant to look at me and give a faint smile .
4 In fact I 'll even be super-optimistic for me and predict a clean sheet with Quinn 's injury .
5 ‘ This man is of no more use to the world than those artists who came to fawn on me and scrape a little importance for themselves .
6 The student should look out for them and make a mental note of their fascinating and beautiful effect .
7 First of all they are sorted into groups of similar material : pottery , brooches , pieces of worked stone , and so on ; these may be sent at this stage to various specialists , who will study them and write a technical report .
8 To keep them clean , simply wash them and use a good copper polish .
9 She will slow her pace down for them and keep a close eye on them as they amble along near her , but she will not let them get too far away from the home base .
10 ‘ I can then get some sketches , build on them and get a true picture of what happened .
11 Some birds certainly use their eyes to follow the geographical features they see below them and have a mental map by which they steer .
12 We 've got Oxford United away in the 4th round so hopefully we 'll get past them and establish a good cup run — who knows if we win the FA cup I may even relent in my criticsim of Sgt Wilko .
13 Petion , follow them and lend a helping hand .
14 Further research on classroom exchanges would assist in determining where problems are and what steps ought to be taken to eradicate them and promote a gender-neutral environment in our classrooms .
15 Gallas had wished to buy the row of houses opposite , demolish them and create a fine square in front of the house .
16 And I know these people do n't feel free , I know they 're all hurrying along or sitting there worrying about their jobs or their mortgages or being late or an IRA bomb in the nearest litter-bin , but I look at them and feel a terrible sense of loss , because I think I 've surrendered all this ; the ordinariness of life , the ability just to be part of it and take part in it .
17 Fairies greatly value human babies as a means of introducing new blood to their dwindling race , so have been known to steal them and leave a useless object behind .
18 Stare at something immediately in front of you and make a mental note of what you can see above that object and below it , to the right and to the left .
19 I want to pull in the anchor with you and save the whale with you and bear a big child with you and live with you and know that we will never die .
20 Thank you and Have a Nice Day ! ’
21 Discriminatory and punitive rates , like Mr Smith 's 59 per cent , not only put many of the most agile brains in the country to work to find ways of avoiding them but create a profound disinclination to work harder or take risks when you have to give nearly 60 per cent of it to the Government .
22 The young male thereafter protects very young sexually immature females so that they are attracted to him and form a close relationship .
23 You should do what I 've done , cut yourself completely free of him and make a new life for yourself . ’
24 Pilate standing on , you imagine knowing that he has delivered up an innocent man , knowing that he 's delivered to death someone who is not guilty of death , knowing that he is the son of God , the King of the Jews , listen to what he says and th listen to what he 's watch , he 's seeing rather and the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the praetorium and gathered the whole Roman cohort around him and they stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him , and after weaving a crown of thorns they put it on his head and reed in his right hand , and they kneeled down before him and mocked him saying , hail !
25 Adam must be around somewhere — if she could just find him and have a quick word before her part in the proceedings began — as if in answer to her prayers , a small group of business-suited men began to disperse , and the figure of a fair-haired man came into view .
26 By this time Dinah was exhausted and desperate ; she could not drag herself round any more managers ’ offices today , they would look at her and see a bedraggled young woman who must be as bad as the papers said .
27 So that you 're not think , Oh You 're first thought cos I know the way you you were working , you 're thinking Oh if I just double that , half it or take a third of it or something like that .
28 All that wickedness , and you do n't have to explain it or understand it or do a bloody thing about it except put a stop to it .
29 Let's take it and prevent a constructive
30 Let's take it and prevent a constructive relationship with the T & G developing into an unworkable alliance .
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