Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Thus , a director must account to the company for any commissions he receives on company contracts , because he receives them only by virtue of his position as a director , and he could have been induced to encourage the company to enter into a contract which is not in its best interest .
2 If you 've got clothes , your coats and dresses , and fold them over once , and then put them into a bag like that and we put them gently on top of the load , they come to no harm at all .
3 I 'm quite sure that the way forward for teachers and parents is within some kind of co-operative framework , and the only way that can work effectively is for each to be aware of other 's needs and difficulties , and the kind of barriers that have existed in the past for parents to get into schools I think are being lowered by the schools , but it takes almost a generation , I think , for parents to stop being frightened about what school is doing and the kind of parents who 've had bad experiences themselves in schools , I think , have enormous difficulties in approaching teachers and I 'm sure the answer is in terms of co-operative activity — children and schools , schools and parents , and all of them together with myriad of outside agencies that are available for children with severe problems .
4 We do not try to motivate them but simply gather them together for ease of reference .
5 No seeing as though they 've been produced I 've said I all in favour of the jury seeing anything that 's referred to and then there , there 's no mystery about it then .
6 Raise your right knee up I straight in front of you , hold for a moment , then lower .
7 I then in front of Sam and she 's the headmistress and I say , I 've been sent to see you by Miss Huddy , Miss Trudgenell , because I got caught
8 No , they were told , all this will be yours again on completion of your mission …
9 They have no right , that is , that the collective power of the state be used for them or not be used against them just in virtue of what a legislature or another court has decided in the past .
10 I mean erm , Anglia talked er , talked to me anyway as Chairman of B Sky B erm , before they , before they did the write off and it 's , it 's just tax driven .
11 Okay then let me just by way of er introduction er to the concepts and the content of what we 're going to do over the next two days let me just put a very small fraction of a picture up here .
12 They , they gave you enough to sort of live on .
13 Wherever I am , whatever I 'm doing , there 'll be you always in front of it .
14 I am writing to offer you formally on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the National Library of Scotland , an appointment as a with the Department of of the Library .
15 Was she really in fear of her life ?
16 but really I mean you need the odd week at home do n't you really to sort of do bits to it , you ca n't work and do it
17 On the other hand , if your employer fails to adopt a particular rule , he might find it difficult to dismiss you summarily for breach of it .
18 He wanted to do you too on account of what one of your girlfriends did to him . ’
19 Fosdyke got up and cleared the pudding plates , stacking them also on top of the video .
20 We obviously on top of that want to make sure who lives in the camps and see if they match our descriptions .
21 Should we too except part of the blame for last week 's turbulent defence ?
22 Later , the knowledge filtered through to me that the two ruffians — escaped prisoners like myself , without a doubt — had attacked me solely on account of my fire .
23 Where Newco and management are connected under s839(7) , the managers need to show that no benefit has been conferred on them indirectly by virtue of Newco 's acquisition of Target , and accordingly the managers need to be able to demonstrate that the price paid by Newco for Target constitutes market value .
24 He 'd made his fortune selling baths , bidets and toilets , which lent him little by way of mystique .
25 She 'd gone to visit her parents in Chalatenango and nine armed men in a jeep just drove up and shot her right in front of her parents .
26 Harry left the next day , having asked Oliver to write to him secretly with news of his mother and Rose .
27 Also on Dec. 2 Baker announced that he was appealing to the House of Lords against an Appeal Court ruling of Nov. 29 which had declared him personally in contempt of court over his decision in May to cancel the return flight to the UK of a deported Zaïrean citizen , although a High Court judge had ordered a stay on the latter 's removal .
28 When she wanted not to reply to something , she would lift her ravishing upper lip over her opened teeth in a way that put him alarmingly in mind of a horse wanting to be bridled .
29 But he saw her only as part of the furniture , and so her guilt was lessened .
30 Before , she had seen him comfortably as part of the family , so to speak .
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