Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adj] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 RICHARD GOUGH and Trevor Steven will be examined by Rangers ' medical staff today but the injuries sustained at Fir Park last night have made them doubtful for the European tie with FC Brugge .
2 Nor was I ready for the inconsistent treatment of the subject .
3 In particular , I wish you well for the National Conference in March to which you will be rushing immediately after our meeting with the SMT on March 8th .
4 Okay are you ready for the big ?
5 £30 will seem an absurdly high sum to those of you liable for the full fee , and I would be happy to organise a pay-by-instalment system over the term , if this would make things easier .
6 South Korean President Roh Tae Woo dismissed two members of his Cabinet and the governor of North Chungchong province on Sept. 19 , after holding them responsible for the massive damage which resulted from severe flooding earlier in the month in Seoul and the central region of the country .
7 He is Dieter Schmidt and his secret recipe keeps him awake for the 20-hour flights .
8 Many persons will have their own particular reasons for gratitude to him , and everyone will so warmly want to wish him well for the new place in life which awaits him back in his own native diocese of Liverpool .
9 Are they concerned for the personal welfare of individual producers ?
10 Erm , and so Freud at the beginning says that he er , he , he had a personal dislike of er Wilson , and resented him for what he had done and held him responsible for the subsequent disasters .
11 Charles has taken vows before God making him responsible for the Christian upbringing of the child .
12 But later in the afternoon the light clothing he was wearing left him ill-prepared for the chilling mist and rain that slid down the mountainsides , poignantly recorded on the damp film found in his camera .
13 Make it possible for the other person to change what they do .
14 Is it possible for the ordinary man in the street to become confident and competent in handling a computer system , whether it be in his office or in his home ?
15 Is it possible for the net return to capital to rise ?
16 Self-help schemes relieve the state of the immediate necessity of providing housing and offer a cheap source of shelter , thus making it possible for the poor to survive on very low incomes ( Burgess 1978 ) .
17 A similar view of the importance of social movements is taken by Touraine ( 1973 ) in his account of the Popular Unity Government of Salvador Allende in Chile where , he argues , the activities and influence of a variety of movements within the governing coalition made it possible for the poor to express their grievances directly and continuously , instead of having them diverted ( and perhaps stifled ) in the official channels of a monolithic ruling party .
18 Nathan waited patiently for the remissions which made it possible for the ruined mind to function for a time ; he sat by the sick man , who by now was almost blind ; the paralysis was , after all , general .
19 With justice Henry V is credited not only with having understood , better than did any of his contemporaries , what were the naval problems which faced England in the early fifteenth century , but also with having done much towards the creation of a fleet of ships , some of them very large , almost ‘ prestige-type ’ vessels , which would make it possible for the English to take to sea quickly and thus try to wrest the initiative from any enemy who might be coming against them .
20 This meeting strongly condemns the regulations of the Food Controller , which favour the rich who are not in danger of being without food , make it possible for the wealthy to provide unscrupulous profiteers to defraud the nation by government sanction i.e. the fixing of prices for potatoes and other edibles , and therefore calls for Lord Devonport 's removal from office .
21 Nor is it usual for the foreign press to first travel and then write the story .
22 Now Russo then representative democracy is n't a refinement of democracy to make it appropriate for the modern world , but a way of giving away all the merits of democracy .
23 The essential disunity between the radicals made it easy for the inter-war period to be dominated by the conventional wisdom of economic orthodoxy and sound finance .
24 The 44 has a 1/4in shank , and I found it perfect for the aggressive work I was attempting .
25 The very weakness of the Arab states , economically , militarily and in terms of political stability , made it dangerous for the Soviet Union to support them unconditionally .
26 This makes it impossible for the poor to move to that neighbourhood .
27 It is the life force within us that is the cause of that denial , which makes it impossible for the healthy to imagine a time when it will have faded , which makes them tremble at the thought that , were voluntary euthanasia ever legalized , abuse would inevitably follow , and when they became old and ill , they would be at risk of being put away .
28 You may remember , Mr. Speaker , that last year I raised with you the problem of coaches parked in and around Parliament square , which makes it impossible for the Sessional Order to be complied with .
29 In fact the broken ground made it impossible for the English knights to manoeuvre easily .
30 To summarize : although Paisley and the other ministers of the Free Presbyterian Church have always maintained a clear division between ‘ constitutional ’ and ‘ party ’ politics — the Church has a position on the constitution but does not back any particular party — the close historical and biographical links between Church and Party have made it impossible for the Free Presbyterian Church to avoid either being tagged with the label of being the DUP at prayer or on occasion being disrupted by the spill-over of tensions from the Party into the Church .
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