Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [art] [noun pl] with " in BNC.

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1 As part of this exercise we will perform a ‘ practice run ’ with the company 's executives to check the areas where they will be asked questions and to prepare them for the meetings with would be acquirors .
2 Finally , he showed me off the premises with the injunction , accompanied by a theatrical wink , that I should get straight on to him if I ever had any bother .
3 Of course , it does not always hit you between the eyes with such immediate aggression .
4 you 're gon na stand on my foot in a minute then I 'm gon na kick you in the bollocks with the other foot !
5 While the rest of Britain fopped about in lace-fronted pinafores and all the other collected frippery of the New Romanticism , NME smashed you in the teeth with Henry Rollins ' forearm .
6 ‘ Well , stop it , or I 'll tie you to the bedposts with silk ribbons and do wicked things to you , so you wo n't be able to think of anything else . ’
7 Yeah , having some dinner , well we did n't have any did we , cos mummy took you to the pictures with nanny
8 The first teacher I had in the infants was a Miss , she had a bad habit of rapping you across the knuckles with a ruler , and there was a pupil teacher Miss , funny thing about that is she , she , she came up to , Mr came up as headmaster and Miss came as a teacher , she was a pupil teacher it was n't necessary to go to college and get degrees in the , she , she used to be a pupil teacher in the infant school when I was at school , and Miss was actually at the sunshine school when my daughter was going to school .
9 Cut out eyelashes from brown paper and attach them above the eyes with a little royal icing .
10 I recalled how sane and healthy they were , and I contrasted them with the fiends with whom I had to deal in 1816 !
11 ‘ They tried to pull me into a scrum once and they invited me into the showers with them ’ — GAIL PARKER ( a lady referee ) on problems encountered when trying to control men .
12 I must have dropped off to sleep ; next thing , someone was prodding me in the ribs with a rifle butt , and a voice was saying , ‘ Come on , Piper .
13 I was awakened by a French Commando nudging me in the ribs with the toe of his boot .
14 ‘ We 're going to hang them on the trees with candles inside them , ’ Oliver said .
15 In the 460-member Sejm , 391 seats were decided on a proportional representation system in 37 electoral districts ; parties won seats according to the aggregate vote for their candidates in a given district , and then allocated them to the candidates with the highest individual totals .
16 Jamila asked me to touch her and I rubbed her between the legs with Vaseline according to her instructions , like ‘ Harder ’ and ‘ More effort , please ’ and ‘ Yes , but you 're making love not cleaning your teeth . ’
17 If a woman holds a man 's hand as he lights her cigarette and strokes him behind the knees with her foot , is it a secret sign ?
18 Lifting her foot , she aimed a kick at George , catching him under the ribs with her boot .
19 Curtius Kenne was staring at Jessamyn as if Jesus H. Christ himself had ridden into town on a donkey , walked into the bar looking for trouble , and kicked him in the gazebos with steel-spiked sandals .
20 I thump him in the ribs with my club .
21 He also injured Thomas 's common-law wife when he hit her in the legs with the stick , Teesside magistrates heard .
22 Ryker said , jabbing her in the ribs with his elbow .
23 ‘ In other words , Loretta , ’ he said , poking her in the ribs with his elbow , ‘ you 're a gradualist ! ’
24 The boy rolled over and came on to one knee in a single lunge , and hurling himself at the man , caught him round the thighs with both arms , and swept him with him through the opening .
25 She struggles , eyes widening further , but I pin her to the sheets with my weight and keep the glove firmly over her mouth even though she is n't making any noise .
26 ‘ I was glad to see her at the pictures with you , ’ Anne said .
27 In a flash Perdita closed on him and bashed him across the knuckles with her stick .
28 Cleo ran to Lucy and hit her around the knees with the balloon shouting ‘ Doon … doon . ’
29 He held her by the shoulders with shaking hands .
30 He spat , and rubbed it into the cobbles with his boot .
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