Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [verb] [pers pn] into " in BNC.

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1 In the unconscious of the men concerned , a part aims to give his mother a son , like himself , as an expression of his gratitude to her for bearing him into the world .
2 She made no attempt to prevent him from taking her into his arms , gave no sign that she knew of his presence .
3 Perhaps these are symptoms of the greater concreteness of Lawrence 's description : he makes his nouns , adjectives , verbs and adverbs work for him without weaving them into an abstract web of relationships .
4 But you could actually put a bag all the way and tie it into tie it into er the it 's the Skillery Bridge that one .
5 An objection which has been raised by Jürgen Moltmann ( see chapter 7 ) and by others who have been concerned to set our present time in the light of the eschatological emphasis of the New Testament is that Barth and his allies in the 1920s who aimed to recover that emphasis in fact misinterpreted it by twisting it into the ‘ eternal moment ’ of the encounter between time and eternity , ; and that his mature theology distorted it in a-different but equally damaging fashion by swallowing up the whole of time and history in the central history of Jesus Christ , and by dissolving that away in turn in the eternal self-determination of God within the council of the Trinity to be ‘ God for man ’ .
6 It has reinforced them by building them into practice budgets .
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