Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv prt] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Look how he blooded Speed and Batty … he did nt chuck them in and hope for the best .
2 family and they put me onto valium , but having worked in psychiatric I knew the results of valium , so I I gradually broke them down and got off them but for six full months I could n't sleep
3 ‘ Why do n't you strip me down and go over me with a scrubbin' brush ? ’
4 Instead of getting someone to calm me down and talk to me , a whole bunch of them came and jumped on me and rushed me down to the block and left me there .
5 Dorcas called them over and pointed to the tank above them .
6 Morris clipped the papers together and tossed them across onto Dyson 's desk Dyson had for some reason assumed that Morris would bring them over and stand beside him while he went through them .
7 It is a bit like using spectacles to see with , and taking them off and looking at them .
8 I took them off and rode into Haleiwa with Michael .
9 I just went past these fellows and one of them shouted , ‘ Hey , speccy four-eyes , ’ and I ignored them like you told me and then they came and took them off and stamped on them . ’
10 How often have we plodding climbers and walkers set them off and thought to ourselves : ‘ I wish I could travel as fast and effortlessly as that . ’
11 I mean for him to ring you back and speak to you , i i he , he 's been concerned about it as well .
12 I 'm not going to chuck you out and go for vacant possession or anything , life 's too short for that .
13 ‘ When you fell in the fountain , when I lifted you out and looked into those fiery green eyes , heard the shaky defiance in your voice , then — then I was lost . ’
14 He 'd knock you about and swear at you and everything , but , you know , he makes you feel sort of more at home . ’
15 No they were oh no we brought them up and put on the shelf .
16 I said , yeah , and you picked them up and looked at dates and chucked them on cart .
17 And I remember this time in Winners when he , he picked them up and looked at them and said I do n't think these are the right ones for my car and that , that 's why I thought
18 it 's like party balloons , she 's got like water balloons I mean , with water and , they was , I had them in this box mucking about , I was trying take something out , and then like we dropped a water balloon in their bathroom and erm , we started having water fight , and that they filled them up and go into the balloons and then you go and tie it up
19 " Oh , they love it when the kids are babies , dressing them up and looking after them , everybody loves babies , but it 's different when they get older , " they say .
20 ( When a visiting paramedic distributed free condoms , the children blew them up and played with them like balloons .
21 Molly pointed to the bright bunch on the scrubbed table and Giovanna gathered them up and strode to a hook on the dresser where they dangled with all their labels .
22 That was only pub that was allowed to keep open till This is af this is after the er licence come in like closing them up and opening in afternoon .
23 Nara and the twins were endlessly fascinated with the little , blind , half-bald creatures , and spent hours picking them up and playing with them .
24 I pick them up and look at the envelopes .
25 He screwed them up and sank to the floor .
26 Partly cook the vegetables , chop them up and place in layers in a large ovenproof dish .
27 He picked me up and ran with me through the shopping centre to the car .
28 Oh , the neighbour rang me up and said by the way she 'll be a bit late
29 The partner there was terribly embarrassed , rang me up and apologized for hours afterwards , could n't get him off the phone .
30 Harvey helped me up and pointed to a concrete runway just below us .
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