Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] [adv] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I bet she looks forward to that does n't she ?
2 he says to me , he said tell your mum we 're gon na have three weeks in France , we 're gon na be drinking , going out and huh , picking up prostitutes , see what she says to that and if she says okay to that , we 'll go anywhere
3 If she responds favourably to this ( which , if you are wise , you will have conveyed more through your attitudes than your actual words ) , you and her other helpers should try to create various circumstances or events which may stand a chance of helping her to break the habit of mourning : an interesting holiday , perhaps , or some new and mildly challenging experience which calls for her to look beyond herself to someone else in trouble , who will make her feel ‘ needed ’ .
4 She appears only to male descendants of the family who slaughtered her own long ago , dumping their bodies in Lake Darmstadt .
5 Although some poems , especially her essays , suggest that she is also looking toward a wider audience , in the vast majority of poems she speaks specifically to some woman she knows .
6 Though applied to others of a given authority or holiness , it refers principally to one of the most influential personages in Ashkenazi ( eastern European ) Judaism , who followed the Palestinian traditions ( as opposed to the Babylonian ones represented in its version of the Talmud ) : Israel ben Eliezer ( Leonard 's spiritual forebear , after whom he was named ) — an 18th century Pole , the founder of the Hasidic movement ; one whose religious awareness was very close to that which inspired Leonard , his mother and his grandfather Klinitsky-Klein .
7 Bourdillon 's figure for this was ‘ the annual provision of not less than 250 volumes for lending and reference purposes per thousand population ’ , but the figure is not as uncomplicated as it seems , since it refers only to new books and not to stock revision ( for which no standard was given ) .
8 Phil Allman , Service Manager at Pest Control London North , never sees his name in print although he contributes regularly to this publication .
9 There 's Lawrence now , a left-hander , down to the rear and this one he turns away and it goes straight to short leg and erm , everybody claps up and sits there well , well fielded there by Morris at short leg .
10 An Ur-freezer , it goes directly to zero and beyond without narrative deviation .
11 From this one can infer that it belongs chronologically to that transition period in Spanish ceramics when the displaced potters of Malaga had set up afresh in Valencia but were still using the traditional designs of Andalusia in their new environment .
12 You have a bank account where either of you can sign , one dies the other can still sign and therefore it belongs entirely to that survivor .
13 In his diaries he looks forward to future success , but it was his artistic success that he sought before financial security .
14 With this in mind the Canadian Rugby Union has confirmed that Ian Birtwell 's appointment as national coach will be extended for another four years , placing him in firm control of the key decisions relating to player selection as he looks ahead to 1995 .
15 The chief redeeming feature of tourism is that it adheres strictly to preordained patterns .
16 It is a type of formative assessment , insofar as it looks ahead to future learning activities , but differs in that it usually involves the use of more specific procedures or protocols .
17 Music is the most obviously aesthetic of the arts — to whose condition they all aspire , according to Walter Pater — yet it submits easily to formal and technical analysis .
18 Yet it happens daily to some public relations person somewhere .
19 He responds well to careful handling .
20 The heart is also a muscle and it responds wonderfully to energetic exercise .
21 One drawback is that it responds only to quick changes in humidity , but the inventors point out this should not be a problem with a fuel gauge .
22 It responds everywhere to one and the same need , and is everywhere derived from one and the same mental state .
23 All this is quite generally true , it applies equally to motor skills , perceptual skills and social skills .
24 This is not unique to this country but it applies also to other advanced industrial societies .
25 Consequently , we will be concerned with the concept as it applies generally to public sector organizations .
26 The primary limitation of the technique at present is that it applies only to simple overlayer adsorbate structures producing fractional-order LEED beams .
27 It applies only to those reaching pensionable age since April 1978 and will not reach full maturity until 1998 .
28 Critics of the corporate family model have tended to suggest that it applies more to large firms where promises of permanent employment are more likely to promote corporate identification .
29 In most contexts , however , the natural ‘ effort after meaning ’ will impel the hearer / reader to try to co-interpret chunks of language which he finds close to each other on a page , or a stone or a wall and , where possible , to interpret the language as relevant to the physical context .
30 Hilton here formulates the same perceptions that govern Rolle 's understanding of the role of meditations on the Passion when he says : In fact Hilton gives no very precise rules about meditation itself because he is aware that it relates intimately to each individual 's unique personality and gifts .
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