Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] him in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Does a man do murder because a mate of his riles him in a pub or because he 's got more money than he has ? ’
2 Greeting him on his return from battle , she hands him over to his wife with palpable reluctance ; seeking to calm him before his confrontation with the people , she shackles him in an iron grip ; and , in the great plea with him not to sack Rome , she pinpoints the lines about him treading on his mother 's womb ‘ that brought thee to this world ’ .
3 This he will normally be planning to do , but it involves him in a more considerable recasting of his planned activities than the university teacher , and brings him into contact with many more parts of the school life .
4 It establishes him in a special relationship with God .
5 If it wakes him in the night , he gets angry , I 've heard him , not the actual words , just the voice low and terrible .
6 ‘ True , it may not necessarily reform the offender but at least it punishes him in a way which society would regard as just .
7 Although he controls other animals — horses and dogs — he is never able to catch the hart alive , and it escapes him in the moment of death .
8 Lovelock sees this dual function as a vital bridge , but others argue that it puts him in an invidious and altogether too powerful position .
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