Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] [art] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She has the whip-hand for the first time since the cock-up over the separation when they had to apologise for making it known that the knives were out for the Duchess .
2 She takes a skirt-full of windfall lemons .
3 It separates the oriental from the Australian Region .
4 He offers the following among paraphrases of " After dinner , the senator made a speech " : [ 1 ] When dinner was over , the senator made a speech [ 2 ] A speech was made by the senator after dinner .
5 He has a hard-on for you a yard long . "
6 Even with sentences not of the form A is f(X) it is often the case that a sentence containing a hyponym unilaterally entails a parallel sentence which is identical in all respects except that it contains a superordinate in place of the hyponym :
7 It favours the employed with good incomes on the one hand and the Medicare and Medicaid programmes on the other .
8 For a start , it allows the poor into the housing market by keeping costs low and not threatening higher-income groups .
9 It protects the weak against the strong , the poor against the rich , the women and children , fatherless and widows against those who would neglect and exploit them .
10 It reminds the people that the land belongs to God ; and it prevents the wealthy from amassing land .
11 And in the scope and authority section of the document it gives the right for section conferences to have the authority to discuss and decide strategic issues affecting their industries .
12 From these , it estimates a backed up value for each HisPos :
13 Louis then swore in the lingua romana , so that Charles 's men would understand him : For the love of God and for the Christian people and for our common salvation , from this day henceforth , as far as God grants that I know and can , I shall so help this my brother Charles with my aid and in all things , as every man ought in right to help his brother , on condition that he does the like for me .
14 and take an extra dose at night to try and get you into a sleep so we can get you back into sleeping rather than up prowling about during the night , cos it does no good at all .
15 It faces the lost of its major sponsor , but Lillywhite said : ‘ It will be devastating if the Milk Race is not here next year . ’
16 Nonetheless the Social Charter remains important in that it provides the underpinning for the implementation of an action programme of over 40 measures which will be prepared by the Commission ( COM(89) 568 ) .
17 This is an excellent idea , as it provides the elderly with independent , private accommodation but with the added security of fitted alarms linked up to a 24-hour warden service .
18 But although he sacrifices the transitory for the long-term , the latter are not differently or more solidly grounded ; indeed they are in danger of becoming rigid and brittle if they are not continually being enriched , modified and eroded by local and temporary reactions .
19 The great virtue or the part-time holding in times of industrial depression is that it leaves the unemployed with things they can do to help themselves .
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