Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's not as though I were writing a new book , ’ Elinor said crossly .
2 If I were wearing a next-to-nothing nightie and he was sitting on my bed , I 'd be having serious trouble breathing too !
3 Erm and , and very enjoyable days they were , but erm I think if I were to plan a big party , or an anniversary or something like that , and I 'd hope those would be jolly enjoyable days too .
4 If I were to use a fine grained canvas the paint would become thick and unworkable .
5 It 's the sort of ’ You stupid boy , stop trying to drown yourself ’ speech I can imagine I would deliver if I were dragging a recalcitrant lad back to land .
6 If I were interviewing a new act , I would try to ascertain their sheer punishment factor .
7 I would not want to change even if I were offered a British-sounding voice .
8 There was this rather famous instance where he had to scrub the floor while Pamela and I were having a long and involved discussion , but I was told that people could n't take their eyes off him .
9 ‘ I did n't have the most stamina in the world , I was called a lazy player but I could have played till midnight .
10 When I started playing with white men I was called a Nazi , a traitor and was told I would be put up against a wall and shot .
11 The ribber tucked stitches because I was using a different colour — dyes can alter the tension quite considerably .
12 ‘ When I was working in Bishopsgate I was using a different method , ’ Dexter explained .
13 In 1988 , I was producing a major women 's conference at the Barbican and we needed a big bank of flowers .
14 Then I went to work in a five and ten , and gradually worked my way up until I was managing a general store .
15 I was eating a Milky Way and it collapsed .
16 Last night I dreamt I was eating a rubber NME .
17 His lordship was clearly enchanted by the whole business , Charlie was wearing the superior smile which always accompanied his demonstrations of lingual dexterity , and as for myself I was experiencing a mounting euphoria .
18 I was fishing a lovely pool , at Flemington , and saw Father park the car .
19 But I have never forgotten advice that my research adviser gave me the first time that I was pursuing a dead end : ‘ It is important to recognise when to quit . ’
20 Gail was then a nursing supervisor of an Overseas Missionary Fellowship Home for retired missionaries and I was pursuing a high flying career selling shoes .
21 For just a few minutes out there I was holding a real live flesh-and-blood woman in my arms . ’
22 Every day I was sent a secret report by the Chief of Police , and the next afternoon I was playing cards with Fritz when Sapt brought it in .
23 I was born a poor black boy down in Mississippi , out in Alabama and he 's like a jet white ai n't he ? and he says I always felt different cos all the other kids they just sit there and they 'd be tapping their feet and then you go onto the oh and they 're getting the old rhythm going , like they do and he 'd be going like I all so different I could n't quite do this and he used to get in look , and er
24 I was wearing a blue woollen sailor 's hat as disguise .
25 The glamorous nightdress I 'd bought to wear for his visit was still lying in my locker and , instead , I was wearing a shabby old hospital gown .
26 It was early evening , about seven o'clock ; I was wearing a short skirt and no coat , because the weather was warm , and we were supposed to be going out .
27 I remember I had this one on my arm and we were we , I was wearing a short sleeved t-shirt and there was some Americans sat behind and I said , ca , I can just always remember one thing Gosh !
28 and I 've also got one album erm with a few pictures in from when I was in Kenya which was in nineteen eighty four so , you know , if anyone wants to see what I looked like in there I had longer hair and I was wearing a white coat so they 're very welcome .
29 I was wearing a heavy overcoat and woollen gloves but the bust whipped its way right into my bones .
30 The first time I met my wife , I was wearing a fine blue jacket .
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