Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] [verb] he a " in BNC.

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1 It was as if I were doing him a big favour .
2 Fact that I was calling him a murderer had nothing to do with it .
3 Of course , in thinking like this , I was doing him a great injustice : the change was not so much in him , as in the way I saw him .
4 As it turned out , I was doing him a service . ’
5 I was doing him a favour looking after the house over Christmas . ’
6 ‘ Just one , ’ she said graciously , managing to make it sound as though she were doing him a big favour .
7 Laying herself down beside Cad again in the hot room under the single sheet , she instructed her sister carefully , how she was to find Tommaso Talvi in town the next day , to come across him as if by accident , and then , if no one was listening , she was to give him a message .
8 As she spoke she was laying him a place at the kitchen table , and serving him his meal .
9 Probably nothing , he was thinking , she 's only winding me up , and the thought that she was gave him a pleasurable kick .
10 If she had thought she was showing him a stop-light , however , he must have seen it as a green one , for his arm suddenly tightened and there was a definite amorous gleam in his eye as he edged closer to her and breathed seductively , ‘ I like you so much , Fabia . ’
11 As Coleman 's real job was to file back-channel reports on the operations of DEA Nicosia , the DIA was hardly likely to have told Hurley that they were lending him a full-time agent .
12 He felt like it was asking him a question or searching for something in his mind .
13 He needed to ; it was doing him a kindness , putting iron into his backbone .
14 He was to give him a part which would take him into the West End a few months after leaving school , write a special role for him in what would be his first film , introduce him to his future wife and , through one of his sons , Brook , provide him with a lifelong younger ‘ brother ’ .
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