Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] [indef pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But I was one with the solitaries of the spirit , too : with St Teresa and St John of the Cross as well as with humbler dissidents like Jordi and one or two other men of the working class I had known in Spain , the young bank clerk I had met in Cordoba the previous spring , among the orange and lilac blossom of Las Tendillas , where we walked and whispered , hardly daring to look at one another , and separating at the sight of police .
2 I was cast opposite him but I was nothing like the draw he was and we had had a dodgy time on tour .
3 ‘ I told 'em — -them — you were nothing of the kind .
4 ‘ You must be exhausted , ’ he immediately suggested , when she was nothing of the kind .
5 Barely five feet four and dressed in sensible shoes , blue silky dress and yellow sash , she was nothing like the glittering bimbos in stilettos and the quietly elegant wives of the money men sitting all around us .
6 What I said to you was nothing but the truth .
7 ‘ Maybe people would think we were something like the British Labour Party , ’ he said hopefully .
8 The nerves on the first night at Taunton had been bad ; so had the understudy nerves of the first night at the Variety ; but they were nothing to the sheer blind terror that attended Charles Paris as he waited to go on stage in the role in which Michael Banks 's career had been so tragically cut short the night before .
9 The Report criticised the crew of the Croydon for not doing more to rectify the compass problems which they had experienced and for relying too heavily on D/F bearings , but it implied that the Darwin W/T station should not have stated the bearings of ‘ night error ’ , they should have known they were nothing of the sort .
10 Allan Lamb took over the captaincy and did his best , but it soon became clear that without Gooch they were nothing like the same team .
11 It tells us that the soldiers are thinking back to before the war , to the sun as if it were something in the distant past which they took for granted but has now become their last hope and so they are turning back to nature to put right a problem they caused .
12 ‘ I knew it was summat of the sort . ’
13 It was nothing of the sort .
14 This would seem to imply a super-intelligence , but it was nothing of the sort .
15 For instance , a book on the influence of religious tradition on the education of women in Britain and India might include substantial chapters or whole sections on Hinduism , Buddhism and Christianity ; if the indexer therefore indexed HINDUISM , BUDDHISM , CHRISTIANITY , RELIGION , EDUCATION , WOMEN , INDIA , BRITAIN , the later combination of individual facets such as HINDUISM and BRITAIN might suggest , falsely , that the book was about Hinduism in Britain when in fact it was nothing of the kind .
16 He retorted that it was nothing to the risk he had taken .
17 If I had found the cramped interior of the U-boat at Kiel oppressive , it was nothing to the claustrophobia I felt inside the midget submarine , and I marvelled again at the courage and calm that had enabled Place and his crew to live a daily life in such surroundings , far less undertake and brilliantly accomplish their mission .
18 It was nothing but the stench of dead , rotting rats and of bats ' dung .
19 It was nothing like the transformation she would undergo in a few years time but it signalled the slow resurrection of her inner spirit .
20 Certainly not — as a matter of fact , I holidayed not half an hour 's drive from your house , at the bottom of Loch Ness , and it was nothing like the Bahamas — we journalists ca n't afford to go to such places .
21 If it meant anything at all , thought Henry , it was something along the lines of We have n't got a clue .
22 Erm , and it was going on about it was something to the sum insurance ?
23 and there was a lot of waste , but these new tables did bring that , it was something for the company it was more than anything , you know cos we were on the bonus system .
24 It was something about the lovers skiing across the Alpine mountain slope , vanishing into the mist .
25 It was something about the old man 's attitude that had made him cry .
26 It was something about the times that drugs should be so easily come by .
27 It was something in the past .
28 Perhaps it was something in the dowager-duchess 's voice that caused it , but Joan to her own dismay burst into tears .
29 Jesus , maybe it was something in the water !
30 Now it was a rule and the custom at the time that any of the staff could impose a fine on the spot and in this circumstance Fagan imposed a fine of 10 " ackers " — that is 10 piastres , which I can not remember what the value was at the time , but let us say it was something in the order of 5 .
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