Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] [prep] the right " in BNC.

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1 I knew I was on the right track when I felt that thrill of pleasure at placing object , not painting it .
2 And even when I had assured myself I was on the right road , I felt compelled to stop the car a moment to take stock , as it were , I decided to step out and stretch my legs a little and when I did so , I received a stronger impression than ever of being perched on the side of a hill .
3 I had lunch and then sat on the wheelbarrow swatting flies , neither willing to go further out of my way , nor to return , just in case I was on the right track .
4 Not outstanding success , for I was still missing nine out of ten bites , hut enough to suggest I was on the right track .
5 A little later , I stood nervously beside my bag , hoping that I was at the right bus stop for Sligo .
6 Ellen Orford in the poem is a middle-aged woman and it was fortuitous for me that I was about the right age — it 's not a part for a young soprano .
7 But they just exhausted themselves after all these years — and I was in the right place at the right time , so they all settled on me to direct it .
8 From Becher 's second-time I was always just struggling , though jumping the third-last I was in the right position and had every chance .
9 For a change I was in the right place at the right time and got a job , with housing , at the Folger Theatre in Washington DC .
10 I blinked twice , not sure that I was in the right country .
11 But I did n't lose my rag , I was in the right mood to deal with it .
12 I was n't the best man , I was in the right place at the right time .
13 So he said , you were on the right and this lady was on the left near the gutter side ?
14 She needed someone to talk to about it all , needed a sharer of secrets , an ear to listen to her plans and , above all , someone to agree that she was on the right course , that both shopping expedition and holiday were what she stood in urgent need of .
15 She did n't recognise any landmarks , so she went on again , keeping a sharp lookout for her ‘ pony tree ’ and for any other tree or open space that would tell her she was on the right path .
16 Those who wished to appeal more directly to fascist or nazi ideas would criticize her Christian and anti-German ideas , while stating that she was on the right track .
17 And now Mrs Stych stood rather dazedly inside the front door and wondered if she was in the right house .
18 On the platform she was not at all sure that she was in the right place .
19 But it was still comforting to have with us little Liena , our 19-year-old interpreter who was a very competent rock climber and all-round mountaineer , for she had climbed Elbrus in the past and could give assurance that we were on the right course .
20 So we swapped addresses with er , ca n't remember , it was a man middle-aged sort of man and er he then said ooh , well he said I still think that we were in the right in as much as if that policeman was supposed to have been directing traffic blah blah blah blah blah !
21 Gary player and Henry Cotton were two strokes behind us and the boss and I decided we were among the right sort of company .
22 If they needed further proof of their belief that they were on the right track , they were given it when they went to arrest Griffiths and were met by a hail of bullets ; after a chase in which Griffiths killed one man and wounded others , he was shot dead while resisting arrest .
23 Optimistic that they were on the right track , but aware that much still had to be done , first thing on the morning of Monday , 13 March Fleischmann sent a fax to Harwell and then talked on the phone the next day remarking that their information was incomplete , that they had much more to do before they would be confident enough and expressing irritation that they were being ‘ rushed into premature publication ’ .
24 If your cigarette went out the screws would come back and light it if they was in the right frame of mind : all depends who was on .
25 I thought it was on the right hand side as you went into village .
26 However he just put in a test dose to see if it was in the right place .
27 It was all nonsense , but it was in the right language and Miles was impressed .
28 It was in the right place at the right time , and the underground press , in the United States , was born .
29 The warm reception given to Project 90 , designed by John Heffernan and Ken Greenley , provided positive proof to Ward that he was on the right track in his long-term strategy of building a separate and much stronger image for the Bentley marque .
30 His retreat was , however , purely tactical , for the hunter had got wind of his quarry and from early 1869 he began to lay his traps , with the certain knowledge that he was on the right track .
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