Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] not an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ah she 's not an alcoholic !
2 ‘ For heaven 's sake , Faye — she 's not an art critic ! ’
3 ‘ She 's very beautiful , Dorian , but she 's not an actress , ’ he said .
4 It 's not an asset unless you can use it .
5 She was neither loitering nor soliciting said the prosecution and it 's not an offence to be a prostitute .
6 He said it 's not an offence he said if you 've broke down , you ca n't help , he said but you 've got ta really move it so I went round to Paul and there was about seven or eight blokes that pushed it all the way round to Bernie 's .
7 Surprisingly though , it 's not an advantage that Denyer chooses to exploit .
8 you get , it 's that er in a normal conversational piece , yeah , I open my , okay it 's not an Abbey Life
9 ‘ But it 's not an experience I 'd care to go through again .
10 It 's not an exaggeration to say that , out on the open road , it 's impossible to detect the difference between this and a or petrol-powered BMW .
11 But this victimization against some members of this union is not an act it 's not an act of a modern trade union leader .
12 It 's not an officer . ’
13 If it 's not an animal , then it follows that it 's not a dog .
14 ? It 's not an animal , but it 's just possible that it 's a dog .
15 It 's not an animal , ’ I said .
16 It would be nice to earn £15,000 for playing sport , but it 's not an issue with me .
17 Well the , the fourth point in relation to er we say that the point has been fully pleaded , corsation is a question of fact , the , er , it 's not an issue which we say arises on these preliminary issues and can raise it er under order eighteen , rule nineteen , if they so wish , that is traditionally the places where it seems nexus points arise erm and they will put in , er app , we will put in , the defendants will put in appropriate evidence at that point , depending upon whether the , the strike out allows evidence and how they frame their strike out , but the nexus point is fully pleaded , we set out step by step and in relation to er restrictions how they were caused the loss , my Lord at that point , at this point we believe that 's all we have to do and certainly we believe that it be sufficient to get over a strike out
18 It 's not an issue for everybody else round the table
19 It 's not an escape route from all your troubles and all your problems , it 's not an escape route from all the difficulties and all the unpleasant things in life , it 's not a pathway of ease and of , of in , of un paralleled bliss and enjoyment day after day .
20 It 's not an escape route from all your troubles and all your problems , it 's not an escape route from all the difficulties and all the unpleasant things in life , it 's not a pathway of ease and of , of in , of un paralleled bliss and enjoyment day after day .
21 The way the drugs get into their bodies might be a mitigating factor , but it 's not an excuse ’ — HENNIE ERASMUS ( South African rugby union tribunal member and a lawyer ) on the acquittal of Balie Swart and Elandre van den Bergh of steroid charges .
22 A lot of American guys dread coming to Europe , but it 's not an excuse . ’
23 A lot of American guys dread coming to Europe , but it 's not an excuse . ’
24 So it 's not an anxiety dream .
25 Erm is it , It 's not an atom but it 's You could n't break say a piece of uranium or into an atom , but you could break it up into an isotope .
26 It 's not an attack .
27 It 's not an ivy that clings to the wall .
28 It 's not an hour 's walk . ’
29 Well it 's only fifteen thirty five now so Oh it is two hours you get for the er that 's right , it 's not an hour and a half , it 's two hours you get is n't it ?
30 and to each set they 'd be any thing up to ten sub set questions , so er he says do what you can in er the hour , well it 's not an hour , but it 's fifty minutes
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