Example sentences of "[pers pn] [to-vb] that [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Erm that might , might interest you to know that during the past ten years I have personally entertained something like a hundred visitors from the States who are with their families er , of course , er returned here for a look , look round .
2 ‘ Would it surprise you to know that in the five years since I first set eyes on you , I have not looked seriously at another woman ?
3 ‘ It must seem impossible for you to believe that in a civilized society so abhorrent a practice as the enslaving of one person by another still continues , but I will ask you to try and imagine what it must be like .
4 He was serious , it 's his get out from telling you to say that in the first place
5 Are we to suppose that in the thousands of millions of years before conscious life emerged in the world — and still today in those extensive parts of the universe where no conscious life has yet developed — no wavepacket has ever collapsed , no atom for certain decayed ?
6 As the argument developed , I understood him to submit that as the remedy sought by the plaintiff was itself an equitable one , talk of strict estoppel was inappropriate , and he was content to put forward the alleged assurance and other matters to be considered in the exercise of my discretion .
7 Suffice it to say that at the point of commissioning it is a good idea to know which you are planting !
8 Suffice it to say that amongst the people who were not contacted by this project within the first year are some of those seeing doctors on eight occasions .
9 This might lead us to conclude that in the case where taxes can not bear the additional charges resulting from depreciation accounting ( which is another way of saying that there is not the political will to impose them ) , in order to retain control of the charge to revenue accounts , the existing system will remain .
10 It may be that Luke is referring to this tradition , and if so , he will mean us to understand that on the day of Pentecost , the gathered representatives ‘ from every nation under heaven ’ heard the mighty deeds of God being proclaimed , ‘ every man … in his own language ’ .
11 Will he assure us that next week 's debate will be far-reaching enough for us to explain that in the early days of the Conservative Government — 1979 and 1980 — we had to repay massive debts incurred by the previous Labour Government and that since then we have religiously cut taxation ?
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