Example sentences of "[pers pn] [to-vb] [adv] with the " in BNC.

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1 One primary intervention therefore was for me to liaise regularly with the ward so that Mrs Allen was fully informed about the situation .
2 There is genuine confusion among the army commanders in Bosnia despite the enormous pressure from Belgrade for them to work openly with the Serb paramilitaries .
3 ‘ He left it all to me to sort out with the planning department and I had to plead that we 'd lose him altogether if we made a problem . ’
4 Erm on the use of existing employment sites , I 'd hate you to go away with the impression that er we were actively seeking to reallocate sites as they came forward , and that certainly is n't the case .
5 ‘ I want you to deal personally with the Potrovsky widow .
6 Only when we get to the seventh paragraph of the story do we hear Benn 's statement to the court , which claims that the PC said : ‘ You black bastard , this will teach you to mess about with the police . ’
7 I asked you to stay downstairs with the guests .
8 However , you will get more credit if you can put forward a solution which allows you to operate effectively with the staff you already have .
9 By forcing the companies to reform their practices and structures , the Government is also forcing them to deal directly with the role of the unions in the ITV sector .
10 Surprisingly perhaps , two of those working closest to that tradition , seem to me to do so with the utmost integrity : the small densely-stitched bird and animal embroideries of Jane Poulton and the tiny appliqued images of Janet Bolton reveal immense pleasure in their use of thread , textile and colour .
11 Mr Fu , probably illiterate , can not get the kind of job with a township enterprise that would enable them to keep up with the Lis .
12 He 'll be expecting me to ride in with the cavalry .
13 ( When appointed , he explained the prestige of his position required him to deal only with the minister , not with lesser civil servants . )
14 At the Queen Street entrance she caught a glimpse of a red-clad figure running as fast as her legs would carry her to keep up with the woman who was taking her away .
15 I do n't want her to end up with the sort of empty life I 've got to look forward to .
16 It is this conviction that led her to team up with the Plenary Foundation for Uruguayan Women to launch a multi-media project on the subject of women , mental health and sexuality .
17 AI workers are , by and large , naive materialists and mechanists , and for them those are not positions to be justified , but simply assumptions that allow them to get on with the job of constructing mechanical analogues or simulations of ourselves , who are , in Minsky 's memorable phrase , ‘ meat machines ’ .
18 Given all these considerations , some supposedly empirical , but others more clearly normative , Schumpeter concluded that the proper role of the people was to choose their rulers through competitive elections , and then leave them to get on with the business of governing .
19 LIFESPAN networking includes network error recovery features which allows it to proceed automatically with the transfers into or out of the LIFESPAN database after the network link between the user 's VAX and the LIFESPAN VAX has been broken and restored .
20 But for now Kylie harnessed it to press on with the next stage of her ten year plan which had been drawn up by her musical gurus .
21 However , we plan to re-schedule it to run simultaneously with the Teachers ' Training Day at Stockwell Park School on Saturday , 5th July 1986 .
22 ‘ When we were approached on this deal we used it to tie in with the release of one of our hostages held in Lebanon . ’
23 One of the factors that led me to sign up with the DIA was the idea that I might be able to do something for my friend Jerry Levin , who had been taken hostage in Beirut by Hezbollah , but as it happened he was released before I got out there .
24 The adverts scold us and cajole us and wheedle us and fawn us to keep up with the Joneses .
25 We all have too much experience of what it is like for council tenants trying to exercise their supposed freedom for us to lie easily with the Government 's assurances on that matter .
26 It was time for us to get on with the climbing .
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