Example sentences of "[pers pn] [to-vb] [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The events of this unit encouraged them to find answers to questions .
2 In Britain people seemed to think that asking the Government to establish the most basic facts about the fate of our hostages was equal to asking them to ship arms to Iran .
3 ‘ Did he ask you to put Gary to bed ? ’
4 There are three distinct projects logic , syntax and semantics which might lead you , which do lead you to assign structures to sentences .
5 We want you to send people to Sweden , to Stockholm .
6 Do you understand that through this sacrament God is calling you to become witnesses to Christ ?
7 It has sought to get them to extend loans to borrowers , who hitherto , because of their low incomes or because of the areas in which they want to buy houses , have not been able to get help from the societies .
8 The letter from Kate Westwood in your February edition prompted me to put pen to paper .
9 Making a political virtue out of cutting taxes to the better off , in order to encourage them to give money to charity to meet the needs of others , is , to say the least , contrary .
10 The hon. Gentleman will know that we have recently announced a £10 million programme to provide grants to local authorities to enable them to give priority to buses through the construction of bus lanes and by giving priority to buses at traffic lights .
11 When James dispatches Paul and others on missionary expeditions , he desires them to convert people to Jesus 's form of Judaism .
12 Mme Guérigny wanted to persuade me to accompany Jean-Claude to America .
13 HERBERT Blaize , a courtly politician of a bygone Caribbean era , believed God had chosen him to restore democracy to Grenada after 7,000 US troops invaded his island in 1983 to overthrow its marxist rulers .
14 Mr Denktash refrained from personal criticism of Mr Clerides , an old political sparring partner and urged him to accept face to face talks .
15 In fact , this was a totally disastrous time for her to come face to face with him .
16 He addressed two remonstrances to the king , urging him to send ambassadors to Russia , and arranged accommodation for Russian ambassadors in England .
17 If Milton adopts a high style which allows him to voice opposition to Restoration politics , is that opposition not contained by this style , one perceived as normally expressing the values of the elite ?
18 She interrupts the shouting match behind her to seek directions to Aunt Molly 's hotel .
19 He wrote to King John ordering him to pay money to Otto .
20 Rain asked her to say goodbye to Linda for her and was about to go .
21 Since the 1981 Education Act requires that the wishes of the parents are fully taken into account when school placement is determined , it will be important for them to have access to consultation and discussion with a professional who is well informed about both the educational needs of visually handicapped children and the schools and support services available .
22 Alsace is the only stronghold for the grape outside its native Germany , but its fashionable blandness is causing it to give way to Pinot Blanc .
23 It is interesting to note how Trade Indemnity , which has been an active user of this Z-Score approach for many years , used the technique as part of its overall risk assessment procedures to provide advance warning , allowing it to reduce exposure to MCC to a nominal sum by the time it failed .
24 Alice could see that it was not going to be easy for any of them to admit obligation to Jasper , even though he was being correctly impersonal , sitting somewhat to one side of the scene waiting for their approval , the image of a responsible cadre .
25 Should the police obtain an order enabling them to gain access to client papers the order usually specifies the client 's — the practitioner should be prepared to have the necessary files ready on the day they visit .
26 WWF proposes that environmental protection and the eradication of poverty should be made explicit objectives of the MTO , and that non-governmental organisations should be given consultation rights , enabling them to make submissions to investigations of trade disputes .
27 ANALYSING THE trends of incidents and accidents gives us an important measure of performance , allowing us to compare year to year , company to company , site to site , and comparable operations outwith the Wood Group .
28 ‘ He told us to write letters to governments that were direct and to the point .
29 The law does not allow us to sell alcohol to persons under 18 years of age .
30 The College is celebrating its centenary this year and this will be an opportunity for us to give thanks to God for its tremendous work in preparing men and women for christian service at home and abroad .
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